PMV Predicted Mean Vote
PMV Paramyxovirus
PMV Personal Mobility Vehicle (electric scooters)
PMV Panneaux à Messages Variables (French: Variable Message Signs; computerized road signs)
PMV Private Motor Vehicle
PMV Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation
PMV Public Motor Vehicle (transportation)
PMV Passy-Muir Valve (tracheostomy speaking valve)
PMV Present Market Value
PMV Passenger Motor Vehicle (Australian government)
PMV Plant Machinery and Vehicles (construction)
PMV Pulse Motor Valve (air conditioning)
PMV Porlamar, Venezuela - Gral Santiago Marino (Airport Code)
PMV Pea Mosaic Virus
PMV Predicted Motion Vector
PMV Parcels & Miscellaneous Van (UK railways)
PMV Pulmonary Microvascular Pressure
PMV Parliamentary Medal of Valor (Honor Harrington science fiction novels)
PMV Mitral Valve Prolapse, Familial
PMV Private Market Valuation
PMV Production Master Valve
PMV Preventative Maintenance Visit
PMV Pre Move Visit
PMV Pierson's Milk Vetch (plant species)
PMV Pressure Monitoring Valve
PMV Pressure Modulation Valve
PMV Paralyzed and Mechanically Ventilated
PMV Pure Multi-Visit
PMV Parcels and Miscellaneous Van (British Southern Railway)
PMV Project MultiVitamin (band)
PMV Precision Measurement Vehicle
PMV Pony Music Video
PMV Proteomics and Metabolomics Victoria (Victoria, Australia)
PMV Price Mix Volume
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