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Bele mélyedtem az analitikus pszichológiába és most egy akadályba bukkantam még pedig a nyelvi korlátokba . Szóval ha valaki nagyon unatkozik ezt lefordíthatja nekem. Ugye nem nagy kérés?

Figyelt kérdés

Extraverted iNtuition

ENTPs are nothing if not unique. Brave new associations flow freely from the unconscious into the world of the living. Making, discovering and developing connections between and among two or more of anything is virtually automatic. The product of intuition is merely an icon of process; ENTPs are in the business of change, improvement, experimentation.

The attraction Extraverted iNtuition has toward the real and physical amounts to a cosmic non sequitur: theory is drawn to practice. Such encounters are clearly puzzling. Both parties--the intuitor and the realist--are aware of a xenic quality in their meeting, with reactions ranging from recoil to reverie.

Introverted Thinking

Thinking is iNtuition's ready assistant, an embodiment of the sort of logic found in laws, boards and circuits. Thinking's job is to lend focus and direction to iNtuition's critical mass. The temporary habitations of changeling iNtuition are constructed of Boolean materials from Thinking's storehouse. Ultimately, Thinking is no match for iNtuition's prodigiousness. Systems lie in various states of disarray, fragmentary traces of Thinking's feverish attempts to shadow and undergird the leaps of the dominant function. One can only suppose that Thinking must continue to work during REM sleep pulling together iNtuition's brainchildren into integral wholes.

Extraverted Feeling

To the extent that Feeling is developed, ENTPs extravert Feeling judgment. As a result, it is not uncommon to find affability and bonhomie in members of this species. Tertiary functions are potentially utilitarian. Their limitations appear in their relative underdevelopment, diminished endurance, and vulnerability. ENTPs may harness Feeling's good will in areas such as sales, service, drama, humor and art. ENTP loyalty often runs high and can be hooked by those the ENTP counts as friends.

Introverted Sensing

Like a tail on the kite of iNtuition, Introverted Sensing counterweighs these beings drawn to nonconformity and anarchy. These shadowy sensory forms, so familiar to SJ types, serve as lodestones which many ENTPs employ Herculean measures to escape. "Question authority! (then do exactly what it tells you)" sums up the dilemma in which ENTPs may find themselves by attempting to best the tarbaby Sensing. Occasionally acknowledging awareness of norms and abnormality could, in theory, be potentially freeing.

Additionally, I've noticed that ENTPs have the need to have areas of expertise/excellence/uniqueness in which one is second to none. I've never beaten an ENTP at his/her own game--not in the final analysis. (e.g., just tonight, my neighbor who is recuperating from an illness received a call from an ENTP friend offering his special recipe for tea. The instructions required only the finest ingredients, a particular brand of orange juice, tea made with a ball--none of those horrid teabags--..., which will of course make the best tea of which he himself drinks 50 gallons each winter!)

2012. ápr. 26. 21:18
 1/3 anonim ***** válasza:
Láttam is azonnal a nyelvi korlátokat: belemélyedtem.
2012. ápr. 26. 21:57
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/3 anonim ***** válasza:
Azért elég hosszú, és ráadásul szakszövegnek tűnik, de ttől függetlenül nekiülök, sztem holnap-holnaputánra kész lesz!:)
2012. ápr. 26. 21:57
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/3 anonim ***** válasza:
#2 vagyok. Azt hsizem alábecsültem az angoltudásom, én sem vagyok képes épkézláb szöveget faragni ebből. (Hát még megérteni...) Ha esetleg mégis sikerülne, akkor szólok, de nem hinném...:/
2012. ápr. 29. 18:32
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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