Mit gondoltok, mi lehet a mondanivalója/értelme a Gorillaz Feel Good inc. Című számának? ( ha lehet írjatok kort és nemet is légyszi! )
videó :
Feel good....
Sh-pah sh-pa, sh-pa, Feel good, [x9]
City's breaking down on a camel's back.
They just have to go 'cos they don't know whack
So all you fill the streets it's appealing to see
You wont get out the county, 'cos you're bad and free
You've got a new horizon It's ephemeral style.
A melancholy town where we never smile.
And all I wanna hear is the message beep.
My dreams, they`ve got a kiss me, 'because I don't get sleep, no..
Windmill, Windmill for the land.
Love forever hand in hand
Take it all in on your stride
It is sinking, falling down
Love forever love is free
Let's turn forever you and me
Windmill, windmill for the land
Is everybody in?
Laughing gas these hazmats, fast cats,
Lining them up-a like ass cracks,
Lay these ponies at the track
Its my chocolate attack.
Shit, I'm stepping in the heart of this here
Care bear bumping in the heart of this here
Watch me as I gravitate
Yo, we gonna go ghost town,
This motown,
With yo sound
You're in the place
You gonna bite the dust
Can't fight with us
With yo sound
You kill the INC.
So don't stop, get it, get it
Until you're jet ahead
and watch the way I navigate
Feel good, AHHHHahahahah [x4]
..... és így tovább.

Angolul olvastam egy kommentben, ha tudsz angolul, akkor itt van:
Feeling good has become a business in a capitalistic world, which now profits on manipulating and lying to the public to make them feel good in ways that aren't permanent, or true.
The dream, the floating windmill which does its work for others, is impossible, as you can see by it floating on its own in the sky. Its impossible to reach in Feel Good Inc's world, especially since that dream is now going to be crushed by the helicopters that represent the Feel Good Inc, who have discovered that 2D (the singer) is having doubts of the truth. 2D, being completely surrounded by the screens having the evil rapper that represents the Feel Good INC, gives up, and ends up in the same place.
Using his megaphone, 2D tries to tell everyone his truth, but no one ever acknowledges him throughout the whole song.
Sad, intellectual stuff.
(The following is taken from another commenter, named Pine Drew.)
1. The tallest building in a city where only police cars and gun shots are heard is the Feel Good inc.. This means society is corrupted and ruled by a dark pleasure. The kind of pleasure you find in creepy places.
2. The only thing the guy says (think) is "Feel good". Is all he learned from society. Texting, jerking off to porn, buying expensive clothes, getting high, gore and others...
3. "You've got a new horizon it's ephemeral style". The greatest line in the song. An horizon should be something that should guide you to a specific point. The new horizon is that there is no real horizon, ephemeral style. Ephemeral meaning: "Extremely short lasting".
4. I think the metaphor in the contrast between the city and the rural area that floats around is telling that freedom of choice is broken. That there is still a piece of that paradise, just a piece that is "sinking, falling down". And that the Feel Good INC is the dominant.
5. Of course the guy looks out the window and he is able to see the place everyone really wants. No one really wants expensive cars and bitches sucking your balls all day. People want that because is the idea that the INC is selling. What everyone really want deep inside is to find peace and love, but is is hard.
6. Then the INC tries to destroy this paradise as it could turn people against the INC. "With yo sound you kill the INC, so don't stop GET IT, GET IT" I'm not sure if the "Get it" is about making him get more, consume more, and support the INC... or like "don't stop" get it? you have no other choice, get it? (I like how the rapper appears in a TV screen... The massive control tool of the INC)
7. The guy starts moving his body against his will (when the rap starts)... The INC is making him do it. I bet some of you dress everyday the way you hate dressing just because it is "fashion", because it makes you the cool kid. You are moving against your will, but you can't stop because you are afraid, the INC has you in their hand. Paying 30 dollars for a shirt... even more.... Needing the last iphone on the market...
8. At the end the guy stays where he started. Everyone has those moments when they just want to send all this crap to hell. No more make up, expensive clothes, latest iphone, bigger car, bigger house, more money money money money money money money and crap that will make you consume drugs so you don't feel the inner pain that you feel for turning into the INC's bitch... and they want to live a simple life. But then they realize they couldn't live that way.
So the video begins with a scene of a dismal, dark, rusty city plagued by the sound of police sirens and helicopters, and you even hear a gun being shot. Then, there's a cloud layer, Above that layer is the Feel Good Inc. tower.
I assume this little clip is showing how the violence and killing is very separated from the tower of pleasure/cheap thrills/etc... Everyone in the tower is cut off from the reality below. Literally, their heads are in the clouds.
Then we are shown the inside of the tower. Dead bodies are everywhere and the only one that stands out is 2D. Then, he raises his head a mutters, "Feel Good". Then he starts to get out of the chair. That screen with the rapping guy (symbolically the media, I assume) is in the background.
2D is stuck in this 'dead' place, and suddenly begins to realize that something isn't right. He finally understands that he's trapped within the guy on the screen's "spell". All the dead people are symbols for the majority of society that's already died from the "spell".
Then 2D pops in with a microphone, telling everybody something:
"City's breaking down on a camel's back."
From research, I've found out that a camel traditionally represents humility and the willingness to serve. So basically, the city is breaking down on the people's willingness to serve them and to not think beyond what they're told.
"They just have to go 'cause they don't know whack"
I assume this is 2D quoting the corrupting leaders who tell them not to think for themselves and telling them that anyone who does, doesn't know "whack". AKA, they don't know what they're talking about.
"So all you fill the streets it's appealing to see"
I think this line is 2D telling them that them going with the flow of the leaders is funny; he thinks it's ridiculous.
"You won't get out the county, 'cause you're bad and free"
This is a weird line, but I'm gonna guess that it's 2D mocking the leaders once again; I assume in the past the leaders have told them that they can't escape just because they're 'misbehaving' and trying to be free.
"You've got a new horizon It's ephemeral style."
2D is now telling them that what they're working toward is ridiculous; that it's ephemeral, meaning only lasting one day. Basically, their goals are cheap thrills that are short and stupid.
"A melancholy town where we never smile."
This is his opinion of the state of the society they live in; they never smile.
"And all I want to hear is the message beep."
He admits that he's still under the "spell", that he still wants to follow the leaders' messages, he's falling again.
"My dreams, they've got to kiss, because I don't get sleep, no"
Basically he's saying that his dreams have to kiss his ass, or say goodbye, because he can't reach them without sleep.
An interesting part of this segment is that 2D's eyes are red, the same as the color of the rest of the dead people. AKA while their entire bodies are already tainted by the red, only his eyes (his soul) has been. The red starts to fade from his eyes.
Another cool thing is how the word "Owl" is on his microphone. Owls symbolize wisdom, AKA 2D is speaking through wisdom.
Then comes the first chorus, where 2D looks out the window onto a skyscape full of bright, soft colors and only the windmill appears above the clouds. I assume that the windmill represents the state of mind/land he wants to live in, but there's that glass window/barrier that keeps him stuck. The windmill goes beneath the clouds AKA out of his mind, and the bright colors switch to dark and the helicopters appear once more.
"Windmill, Windmill for the land."
Windmills turn air, correct? Traditionally, air represented intellect, ideas, and most of all freedom. That windmill on that island is generating that freedom. AKA the intellect and new ideas are bringing forth a new freedom.
Windmills also have been thought to symbolize bringing about a transformation; from a hard grain that can only be used to reproduce into flour that can support and feed people. I assume that 2D is like the grain, wanting to become useful and not just a sex-obsessed slave.
He wants this thought process, the windmill, to be 'for the land' AKA he wants everyone to have this better thought process.
"Learn forever hand in hand"
He wants to society to keep learning more and more and not be stuck in one mindset. When one doesn't learn, they cannot understand. He wants them all to learn and understand together 'hand in hand'.
"Take it all in on your stride"
2D wants them to use this philosophy in their stride AKA their lives.
"It is sinking, falling down"
2D's either commenting on the windmill falling or society falling, or even maybe his strive for that new way of living is fading.
"Love forever love is screaming"
Because of their fickle and physical obsessions, love has been forgotten.
"Let's turn forever you and me"
As I said before, he wants to become the windmill, as in wanting to live in that new way and transform other 'grains' into 'flour'. He's telling the viewer that they both should turn and make others realize what's happening.
"Windmill, windmill for the land"
Same as above.
"Is everybody in?"
He's asking everyone if they want to follow this new way with him.
Then the rapper (representing Feel Good Inc) 'leader; appears on the screen and starts speaking to 2D. 2D instantly turns around and his attention is captured. Then as the rap goes on he keeps moving robotically, as if he is programmed that way.
As it goes on, 2D starts getting that red hue on his skin again. Then he starts the "Feel Good" chant once more.
"Laughing gas these hazmats, fast cats,"
Hazmats are hazardous materials or substances and 2D is compared to a hazmat meaning he is potentially dangerous when speaking out his megaphone. Laughing gas is a drug that makes people laugh and if given to 2D he will look silly and society will judge him as a lunatic thus making less of a threat (think of those stereotypical homeless guys rambling about the end of the world or whatever. Its similar to that). I assume when he says fast cats he's talking about people like 2D who are somewhat aware of what Feel Good Inc are doing and are evidently called "fast cats" because they know this before all the other people.
"Lining them up-a like ass cracks,"
I said that the laughing gas will make society judge him as a crazy person; this line supports me by saying that Feel Good Inc will line them up and humiliate them "like ass cracks". So basically anyone like 2D who speak out against what is considered the "norm" are made fun of and "lined up like ass cracks".
"Ladies, homies, at the track"
Ladies means sex appeal, homies means things that are seen as cool, and the track is the mainstream media; all they're shown in the media are those drugs, sex stuff, things considered 'cool' etc.
"It's my chocolate attack."
Chocolate, when eaten, makes people release feel good chemicals in their brains. The leaders are saying that letting these people do all these bad things is the leaders' way of attacking them; trapping them with the feel good chemical.
"Shit, I'm stepping in the heart of this here"
The leader is mad that he just revealed the way he traps people.
"Care bear bumping in the heart of this here"
He's saying that this matter doesn't mean much; it's just soft care bear bumping. He's not doing anything terribly bad.
"Watch me as I gravitate, ha ha ha"
He's telling 2D to watch as he pulls more people in, then laughs because he knows 2D can't do anything about it.
"Yo, we gonna go ghost town,
This Motown, with yo sound"
He's telling 2D that his ramblings are bringing the supposedly 'lively' town down.
"You're in the place
You gonna bite the dust
Can't fight with us
With yo sound, you kill the INC."
He tells 2D that he's stuck, he's going to get snuffed out, he can't fight against it, and that his ramblings are killing the bad society or "the Inc".
"So don't stop, get it, get it
Until you're jet ahead.
Yo, watch the way I navigate, ha ha ha"
He tells 2D don't stop listening to him, keep striving for the cheap thrills and media and to keep following him.
Then the windmill returns with Noodle on the very edge of its island, playing her guitar. She seems carefree and doesn't even notice 2D or the tower at all. That windmill, that way of thinking and living, is what is keeping her island and freedom up.
2D sings the chorus again, looking very depressed and tired, and looks down from the window. Then in the last part of the chorus, Noodle is singing at the same time as him.
It's as if he's watching her and imitating her, wanting to be like her and where she is, but is stuck. He envies to live like her.
Then the island flies by, the light leaves, and darkness shadows the window. 2D becomes red again and starts to fade and sits back in his chair, the leader laughing at his futile attempts at freedom.
Basically, overall, here's the symbolism:
CITY BELOW THE TOWER: Reality. What's really going on. Violence, decay, evil.
CLOUD LAYER: Separates the tower from the city. Separates reality from society.
TOWER: The manufactured and fake happiness, a prison, keeping people from independence and freedom. Corruption. Stuck in the clouds as in stuck in fantasy.
WINDMILL: Generating intellect, freedom, free thinking, etc. Transformation from grain to flour AKA reproductive goals to something that benefits society.
DEAD/ASLEEP PEOPLE: People who have no chance; not only is their soul dead, they're physically dead.
RED: Corruption of the leaders/media. 2D's eyes start from red, to black, to red, and then his skin becomes red.
ISLAND: Place of freedom, love, new ways, thought.
SCREENS: Brings the message from the bad leaders to the people, keeps them under control.
Overall, I think the song means what everyone else has been saying; the media and our leaders are corrupting society and benefiting from it. When someone tries to stand against it, they're brought down ("Laughing gas these hazmats. Line them up like ass cracks"). Eventually their soul decays from all these sins; sloth, lust, gluttony, etc.... sex without love, drugs, and fake things, basically.
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