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Mit jelent? Valaki lefordítaná? Vagy csak leírná miről szól ez a zene? :

Figyelt kérdés

Előre is köszönöm!

Meeting you here, the night's alight with midnight cheer

Our dust still unsettled, I feel the plucking of our petals

I'm drawing circles don't you know, protect the seed that wants to grow

To a garden, pardon my territory

I'd fight for you

I never knew that I could feel this way

I'm right for you

This kinda love don't happen everyday

Be friendly but cautious, you're gonna have to count your losses

Easily attracted, but dangerous to get distracted

I'm drawing circles don't you know, protect the seed that wants to grow

To a garden, pardon my territory

I'd fight for you

I never knew that I could feel this way

I'm right for you

This kinda love don't happen everyday

I'd fight for you

I didn't wanna have to raise my voice

I'm right for you

You really leave me with no choice

So what do you want and what are you thinking?

Isn't it about time you stuck up for me?

But what you can't see is we're under siege

and I only fight because I believe

Not gonna share you no

I'd fight for you

I never knew that I could feel this way

I'm right for you

This kinda love don't happen everyday

I'd fight for you

I didn't wanna have to raise my voice

I'm right for you

You really leave me with no choice

I'd fight for you

I didn't wanna have to raise my voice

I'm right for you

You really leave me with no choice

I'd fight for you

I'm right for you

2012. jan. 3. 15:07
Sajnos még nem érkezett válasz a kérdésre.
Te lehetsz az első, aki segít a kérdezőnek!

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