Milyen az a keresztény rock? Linkelnétek ilyen zenéket?
Most olvastam a kereszt rockról, és kiváncsi lettem, hogy milyen. Nem ismerek ebben a műfajban együtteseket. Ezért olyanokat, akik jók, szerettek linkelnétek?
Megköszönném :) (zöld kézzel)

Képzeld el, mikor Semjén énekli:
I can get no
I can get no
'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try.
I can't get no, I can't get no.
When I'm drivin' in my car
and a man comes on the radio
he's tellin' me more and more
about some useless information
supposed to fire my imagination.
I can't get no, oh no no no.
Hey hey hey, that's what I say.
I can't get no satisfaction,
I can't get no satisfaction.
'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try.
I can't get no, I can't get no.
When I'm watchin' my TV
and a man comes on to tell me
how white my shirts can be.
Well he can't be a man 'cause he doesn't smoke
the same cigarrettes as me.
I can't get no, oh no no no.
Hey hey hey, that's what I say.
I can't get no satisfaction,
I can't get no girly action.
'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try.
I can't get no, I can't get no.
When I'm ridin' round the world
and I'm doin' this and I'm signing that
and I'm tryin' to make some girl
who tells me baby better come back later next week
'cause you see I'm on losing streak.
I can't get no, oh no no no.
Hey hey hey, that's what I say.
I can't get no, I can't get no,
I can't get no satisfaction,
no satisfaction, no satisfaction, no satisfaction.

Hillsong, Planetshakers
Mindkettő koncertjén voltam, a Planets. valami fantasztikusan jó!! :D

Hát igen, a jó öreg Wikipédia:)
Cornerstone Club (magyar)

P.O.D.(Payable On Death)
Keresztény rock-metál banda.
Én nagyon szeretem tolűk:Youth of the nation,Southtown,Sleeping awake... :-)
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