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Mit jelent? Az emigrate nevű banda logójának a jelentésére lennék kíváncsi (ha van egyáltalán)

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2021. ápr. 30. 09:21
 1/2 anonim ***** válasza:

Redditen ezt írják, remélem tudsz angolul, nincs kedvem lefordítani :D

In one interview it is discussed:

"The important thing in the logo is the circle that's around the 'E', which actually represents more the concept of migration, emigration, cycles, life."

Richard: "The 'E' is basically breaking out of the cycle of life. That's the idea. When we started this band, I was emigrating out of Germany to America."

... "I always saw a pentagram kind of thing. The Star of David never crossed my mind. Now when you and other people mention it, I can see it. But it was never meant to go in this direction... never crossed my mind until one journalist told me, a German one, that he went to New York and had an Emigrate T-shirt on, and somebody screamed at him... The meaning of the logo was totally based on my personal life, on music, and had no political meaning whatsoever. If people are offended by the logo, I can only say that was not our intention at all."

2021. ápr. 30. 09:42
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
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2021. ápr. 30. 10:55

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