Hogy tudom a gta online-ban feloldani a kuruma-t?
Csak írd be angolul a google-ba és már ki is dob vagy 1000000 linket ahol ezt leíják.
Reach Level 12 progression on your player
2) Buy an High End Apartment (one of the most expensives models, with a 10-car garage)
3) Wait for Lester to call you, then go to the "L" on the map
4) Go to the Heist Planning Room on your apartment (it's market with an "H")
5) Start the The Flecca Job heist
6) Complete the Setup Part 2 of the "Flecca Job Heist", the one you have to steal a Kuruma from Khangpae in a Del Perro parking garage. (Note: The Kuruma you steal to be used in the Heist cannot be keeped for yourself)
7) After that, two variations of Kurumas will be available to buy on the cell phone website Southern San Andreas Super Autos. (The game will show you a pop-up message):
- Regular Kuruma: for $95,000
- Armored Kuruma: for $525,000
Ha annyire kell le fordítod magadnak :)
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