League of Legends fiókátvitel, hogy is van ez?
Ezt a választ kaptam:
Greetings Summoner,
When we first split the EU platforms on July 19th, 2011 we allowed players who had created their accounts before the split one free transfer. This was to enable players who felt they were on the wrong server at the time of the split a chance to move to the appropriate server.
When we enabled players to move from the North American server to the European server, we provided a free transfer to players who had created their accounts on the North American server prior to June 1, 2010 and had played a majority of their games from a European IP address. We did this in order to allow European players who began playing League of Legends before the creation of a European server to transfer their account to the European server.
We have only provided free transfers to players who meet all the required conditions. I understand that players may have other reasons for creating an account on the North American server despite not living in that region, but we are not able to extend this service to other players at this time. I am very sorry for the inconvenience. Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.
Shhh! I'm charging my laser...
Warmest Regards,
Player Support Specialist
Riot Games
2014. április 23. 16:11
Ez meg micsoda? Ennyire nemtörődnek azzal hogy egyedül maradtam míg mindenki átment a barátaim közül? Ennyire nemtörődnek a magyarokkal?
Elküldtem mégegy levelet amiben szerintem ráutalok arra hogy magyarvagyok és azért csináljanak valamit mert hát mégis ingyenesnek kellene hogy legyen. Ezt küldtem nekik:
I have one big problem with the transfer.
When the Hungarian version was released a few days ago has become free for the right to move it into the Hungarians in their profiles the EUNET region. My friends get to have made, I said to them about this great newness, but when the night when one of my friends transferred profile I tried to, but I was instead of 0 RP 2600 RP cost of the change. So now I'm alone EUW region and impatiently waited for maybe only be 1-2 days, I know that I have to take my profile, but still I can not do because they have to replace the 2600 RP 0. I am Hungarian and I play on EUW, but simply unfair, something that I can not free to transfer my profile to the "official" Hungarian server!
I would ask that:
1 - becoming free in the transmission.
2 - I have not spent a basic 400 Riot Points so i need my 2200 so that I would have to pay for the transfer.
Thanks for your help!
Amint kapok választ bemásolom.
Bocsánat a sok hülyeségért amit írok de egyszerűen nemhagy nyugodni. Igazságtalanság!
Kaptam is egy választ:
Helló Sinyo!
Megnyomtam a varázsgombot, ezzel elhárítva minden akadályt az útból:)
Kérlek próbáld meg, hogy valóban működik-e.
Ha nem, csak szólj és megoldjuk:)
A név, valóban gond lehet, ezért a rendszer fog adni egy számokból álló nevet, kérlek csak 24 óra múlva próbáld meg megváltoztatni, mert a rendszerünk egy kicsit le van most terhelve. Köszönjök a türelmet!
Apropó, üdv a EUNE szerveren!!!:)
"Never question my loyalty. You will never know what I endure for it."
Player Support Specialist
Riot Games
"Never question my loyalty. You will never know what I endure for it."
Player Support Specialist
Riot Games
2014. április 24. 09:53
A gond ezzel mególdódott! :)
Ha valakinek ilyen problémája lenne tehát csak írjon egy levelet a supportnak és elintézik.
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