League of Legends fiókátvitel, hogy is van ez?
Nos nemsokat irok a supportnak de ezaz a link ugye? [link]
és magyarul vagy angolul kell irjak?
angol az biztos, de lehet már van magyar ügyfélszolgálat is.
Szerintem angolul.
Ezt adta ki a googlefordító:
With care and attention to turn to when they released The translation of the play, is not free I transfer my account from East from West. In the morning I checked and 0 for Rp would have transmitted gonna need to go fast and just wrote a friend that you have the opportunity to play in English. In the evening when I got back to the computer it is my experience that is not free but is now Rp 2,600 gets into the transmission, so now you're here until my friend Westen transferred to your account. That would be my request that could not be transferred to my account Easton? We are torn apart and so my friend is not the real game.
Thank you in advance for your reply!
Ha ezt beküldöm nemnéznek hülyének? Válaszolnak rá, mitöbb megoldhatják a problémát?
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