Amit a gyűrűk urába használtak gyűrűt az kinél vagy hol van?

Kellék gyűrűként többet is használtak, nem csak egyet. Pont a minap botlottam bele egy angol fórumon ugyanebbe a kérdésbe, ott jött rá egy elég részletes válasz:
" The goldsmith in New Zealand originally made 15 rings, each slightly different in size and weight for samples, From these, one design was selected for the One Ring. Two were made for the scenes with the hobbits, a slightly larger one for scenes with Sauron, and a huge one for marketing photography for the movie. When the filming of the final movie was over, Andy Serkis and Elijah Wood were given prop rings used in the movie by director Peter Jackson. They each thought they had gotten the only one. One of the other rings is on display at the goldsmith’s family’s shop (he died before the last movie was released), and supposedly any others have been put away for future use in “The Hobbit”. I am sure that Peter Jackson has at least one of the sample rings, if not a final design, One Ring."
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