Kezdőoldal » Szórakozás » Filmek, sorozatok » Amerikai pite 6-ban van 50...

Amerikai pite 6-ban van 50 feladat amit teljesíteniük kell a srácoknak hogy beta tagok lehessenek. És akkor a kérdés: valaki meg tudja mondani hogy mi volt az az 50 feladat?

Figyelt kérdés
2010. ápr. 11. 15:02
 1/1 anonim válasza:

1 Streak naked through the quad

2 Take a hooker to lunch

3 Stop traffic by mooning everyone

4 Get 1 - 8-6-8 on roulette table at casino

5 serenade a woman at 9-0 Bar

6 Eat 23 hot dogs in 25minutes

7 Have sex in the Dean's Office

8 Buy 5 ice creams in Detroit and get them back before they melt.

9 Have sex on 50 yd line of football field

10 Have photo of testicles published in teaser magazine

11 Have sex in penalty box at hockey arena

12 Place a d*ldo in school trophy case

13 Spray paint giant b**bs on football field

14 Steal sorority panties and wear them yourselves

15 Steal an ostrich

16 Place ostrich in geek home

17 Take 5 hookers to a romantic dinner

18 Do a traditional dance at the international club

19 Walk around campus in stolen sorority panties

20 Have sex in dean's house

21 Take a sh*t in the Dean's master bedroom

22 Staple up University Billboards with Phoney Geek Flyer

23 Drink a gallon of milk without p*ssing

24 Take a 300+ pound girl to bed

25 Have sex with Hottest hooker.

26 Receive Golden Shower

27 Perform Cleveland Steamer

28 Get a Blumpkin

29 Do The Flying Camel

30 Get a Panda in the Grotto

31 Have sex with a professor

32 Get so drunk you p*ss in your pants

34 Dutch oven soroity mother

33 Play the State theater

35 Steal a sex toy from each sorority house

36 Buy roulette wheel &black jack table

37 Get your a** signed by a stripper

38 Open Illegal casino for all pledge dues

39 Have sex with the hottest girl in sorority pledge class

40 Convert dorm room to a fully operating bar

41 Marry one of your pledge brothers

42 Ship a pledge in a crate to Canada

43 Be on the cover of Teaser Magazine

44 Swim in a lobster tank

45 Dive naked in the middle of a swim meet

46 Have sex in the stacks of the library.

47 Sleep with a member of the dean's family

48 Donate 25 quarts of semen to a sperm bank

49 Drive one of you down to Mexico and get a tattoo

50 Steal Something from the geek's home

2015. aug. 12. 17:59
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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