Tobi/Uchiha Obito miért nem használta a Rinneganját eddig?

De azután lett Rinengan-ja .
Ugye azért is lett új maszkja , mert lett bal szeme (Ami nem Izanagi volt) és mert konan öszetorte régi maszkját.

kicsit utánanéztem mert izgatott.
használta már.. többször is !!
Obito's Rinnegan.
Following the loss of his replacement Sharingan, Tobi implanted Nagato's Rinnegan into his left eye socket in preparation for the Fourth Shinobi World War. With the Rinnegan, Tobi can potentially master all five nature transformations and possibly use all Six Paths since they are all Rinnegan abilities. He can use the Rinnegan to summon the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path.
Tobi used the Rinnegan to duplicate Nagato's Six Paths of Pain, made from the reincarnated jinchūriki by embedding chakra receivers in their bodies, allowing him to manipulate them. Each also has the same eyes as he does (a right Sharingan and a left Rinnegan), allowing him to see what they see and coordinate their movements. By combining the Demonic Statue with the Outer Path ability, he can create chains which he can use to suppress the tailed beasts' power. Tobi is able to use the chains to drag the beasts he controls into his own body or reseal them instantly inside the Statue.

Használta! Mikor ellopta a 2 cuccot, amibe Kinkaku és Ginkaku vannak pecsételve, akkor a Gedo Mazo-t bevette a harcban és az gondolom a Rinnegannal irányította, mivel ez anno Nagato dolga volt és ez már az animében is volt
Ha mangát nem olvasod akkor itt hagyd abba e komment olvasását! :D
Szóval Naruto ellen is használta, mikor az KillerBee-vel rátámadt és Kakashi meg Gai megmentette
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