Melyek azok az idézetek,amiket animékből hallottatok és nagyon megtetszett nektek?

Kyou made ouko no hito wo gisei ni shite kita. Kazoekirenai hodo no hito wo damashite, riyoushite, koroshite kita. Tada ore ga ikinokoru tame dake ni. Omae wa tadashi Kyaru. Sono ikari wa seigi da. Dare ni uttaeri hitsuyo wa nai. Sono juu de ore wo sabake. Dare ni mo yudanezu, jibun ni kakerou. Omae ga ore yori tsuyoi nara, ore wa mukui wo ukeru darou.
A mai napig rengetek embert áldoztam fel. Megszámlálhatatlanul sok embernek hazudtam, kihasználva és végül megölve őket. Csak azért, hogy én életben maradhassak. Igazad van Cal. A haragod az igazságot képviseli. Nincs szükséged senki jóváhagyására. Ítélkezz felettem a fegyvereddel! Ne bízd másra, csináld magad! Ha erősebb vagy nálam, akkor elnyerem a büntetésem. (Azuma Reiji, Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom)

"Ki volt az, aki egy csatahajót tett az utamba?" - Boa Hancock
Női szereplők közül még az erős karakterek is ritkán kapnak igazán menő szövegeket, talán ezért ez az egyik kedvencem. :)

"Kono Dio Da!"
Ezen mindig elsírom magam mikor valaki felidézi.

Nekem a magyar füzetem One Piece idézetek tárhelye, íme jópár:
"Miracles only happen to those who never give up"
"Without strenght, you won't be able to save anyone."
"We shouldn't worry about being able to achieve our dreams as long as keep trying"
"You want to keep everyone from dying? It's a war, people die"-Luffy Vivinek
"Don't start a fight that you can't finish"
"Forgetting is like a wound. The wound may heal, but it has already left a scar."
"To face anyone who is extraordinary, I can't allow myself to be ordinary"
"Noone is born into this world to be alone"
"No matter how hard you kick me, the one who's feeling the pain is you"
"It's not about being possible or impossible. I'm doing it, because I want to."
"Power isn't determined by your size, but the size of your heart and dreams."
"Start living, before you start dying"
"I refuse your refusal" (ezt én is mondani szoktam még Luffy előtt 😂)
"Pirates are evil? Marines are righteous? Justice will prevail, you say? Of COURSE it will! Whoever wins this war, becomes justice!"-Doflamingo
"If you're afraid of making mistakes, you won't be able to do anything"
"I love heroes, but I don't wanna be one. Do you even know what a hero is? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the heroes will distirbute it away among people! I want to eat the meat!"-Luffy
"Az élet olyan, mint egy ceruza, ami egyszer biztosan kifogy, de gyönyörű nyomokat hagy maga után" (ez valahogy rosszul volt leírva angolul, és nincs kedvem utána keresni😅)
"Don't ever think there's a perfect society made by humans! If you think that way, you'll overlook the enemy. Don't be fooled by appearances!"
"You're too young to be broken"
"The weak don't get to decide anything, not even how they die"
"Wanna turn the world upside down with me?"- talán Luffy Naminak(?)
"I don't wanna live a thousand years. If I live through tomorrow that will be enough"
"One day, you'll be a MEMORY for some people. Do your best to be a GOOD one!"
"Everyone has things they can and cannot do. I'll do what you can't do and you do what I can't do" - Luffy
"There are things you can't see, unless you change your standing."
"When does a man die? When he's hit by a bullet? No. When he suffers a diseae? No. When he ate a soup made out of poisonous mushroom? No! A man dies when he's forgotten"- Hiluluk
"I want to live!"- Robin
"Of course, I don't know anything about swords, you moron! I can't navigate! I can't cook. I can't even lie. (Oi!(Usopp)) I know I need my friends to help me if I want to get ahead in life" - Luffy Arlongnak
"Because if you ever think of me in the future, I want you to think of me smiling" - Corazon Lawnak
"You can't see the whole picture until you look at it from the outside"
"Cooking is a gift from the gods. Spices are gifts from the evil. Looks like it was a little too spicy for you."-Sanji
"What keeps me ~alive~ in this world is neither my bodily organs or muscles. It's my ~soul~" - Brook
"You can pour drinks on me. You can throw food at me. You can even spit on me. But... good reason or not... Nobody hurts a friend of mine!"-Shanks
"We have to live with no regrets"
"Maybe nothing in this world happens by accident. As everything happens for a reason, our destiny slowly takes form"
"No matter how dark is the night, it always turns into day eventually"
Ohhh nii chan tedd belém a nagy farkad.
Boku no pico
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