Mire jó ez a programozási nyelv?
Mathematica programozási nyelvről lenne szó.
Hallom, hogy nagyon nagy királyság tudni.
Valahol egy űrben keringő lézerágyúhoz hasonlítják, ha a programozási nyelvek fegyverek lennének.
Valaki foglalkozik ezzel a nyelvvel?
Mire használják, mert nagyon ,,powerful" nyelvnek van beharangozva. Gondolom valamiféle komoly, precíz, sok területen alkalmazható nyelv így elsőre.
Matlab-nak mennyi köze van hozzá, mik a különbségek?

Pár vélemény a sok közül:
"Mathematica is designed for symbolic & analytical analysis; MATLAB for numerical analysis. Meaning, the former works best with formulas (and can be more elegant), the latter is a sophisticated calculator that is better with matrices, difference equations, etc.. Both are very powerful and will get you the same results via different means."
"Asking the question of matlab vs mathematica is a little like asking the question of which one should I choose between Microsoft Word 10 and Motocross Madness 2. The simple answer is that they are different programs intended for different purposes and not directly comparable.
Mathematica is a algebra and symbolic maths package whereas matlab is predominately a numerical computation package (though you can get a symbolic toolkit for matlab which then gives it some of the features of a program like Maple or Mathematica). Generally speaking though you'd use Matlab if you want to be able to manipulate lots of numerical data easily and you'd use mathematica if you want an aid for symbolic mathematical manipulations. Engineers for example would mostly tend to find Matlab more useful than Mathematica, while it would normally be the other way around for a Mathematician."
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