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Hogyan tudom ezt a drágalátos alkalmazást végre eltávolítani?

Figyelt kérdés
Májusban úgy volt online nyelvvizsgázok és ehhez le kellett töltenem a "Safe exam browser" nevű alkalmazást. Hát fingom nem volt hozzá, hogy kell, mit kell csinálni vele így gyors átjelentkeztem a hagyományos tantermire. Dee azóta sem tudom letörölni és vhogyan leblokkolta, hogy ne használhassam a főkapcsolót ergo rendesen nem tudok kilépni "Főkapcsolóhoz jelenleg nincs választható funkció". Felőlem maradhat az a hülye alkalmazás, csak főkapcsoló legyen megint jóóóóó

2020. szept. 5. 22:58
 1/1 anonim ***** válasza:

Húúú.... hallod, ez egy de hüülllyyyye egy progi!


What is SEB for Windows changing in the system?

While running, SEB changes Windows Registry settings for the options in the Windows Security Screen invoked by Ctrl-Alt-Del (for details see this section in the manual). In addition when running on Windows versions before 10, SEB stops Windows updates while it is running using a Registry setting and re-enables them when being quit (when SEB 2.1.1 or later is running on Windows 10, only the Windows Update background service is stopped and restarted when SEB is quit).

SEB remembers the values for these Registry settings which were active on the exam client computer before running SEB and resets them to the original values when exiting regularly. In case the PC would be force reset while SEB is running or SEB would crash, these Registry settings are again reset to the original values:

• when SEB is restarted once again and properly quit;

• when the computer is restarted (this doesn’t work always, depending on peculiarities of the Windows installation);

• or when uninstalling SEB

There is also a command line tool which can be used to reset those values for the unlikely case that the SEB Windows Service (a background service which is part of SEB) didn't work properly or was damaged and can't be run anymore.This tool can be found at the following directory path in your Program Files directory:


(see manual for details how to use the registry resetter tool).

When SEB is installed, the file type with the file extension .seb and the custom URL protocols seb:// and sebs:// (the latter starting SEB 2.1.1) are registered. These associations are removed when SEB is being uninstalled.

SEB also creates two directories for local SEB settings in locations which are designated in Windows for such purposes:


Exact path using Windows environment variable:



Exact path using Windows environment variable:


In this directory the SEB web browser also caches resources. In SEB's default settings this cached data is removed when SEB quits.

These directories and possible contents are not removed automatically when SEB is uninstalled.

Uninstalling: Use the Windows Control Panel to uninstall SEB. As the Windows Installer usually leaves some files behind, you can delete the SEB application directory in C:\Program Files (x86)\ manually (IMPORTANT: Always FIRST UNINSTALL, then delete). If uninstalling using the Windows Control Panel doesn't work, then you can try to use the installer of the exact same SEB version you had installed (contact us if you don't have that installer version anymore and it's no longer available for download). Just start it and select the remove/uninstall option. If this still doesn't work, then your Windows system got corrupted. SEB is using the standard Windows Installer procedures for installing and uninstalling and those can fail in some cases, which is not connected to SEB itself. You can also remove the directory C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\SafeExamBrowser\ (exact path using Windows path variables: %APPDATA%\SafeExamBrowser\), where the SebClientConfig.seb client config file, log and browser session data files are saved.

Másik lehetőség:


2020. szept. 6. 00:01
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