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Miért kaptam ezt az angol wikipédián? (angol üzenet lejjebb)

Figyelt kérdés

This is your only warning; if you remove or blank page contents or templates from Wikipedia again, you may be blocked from editing without further notice. Insulam Simia (talk · contribs) 19:27, 24 August 2013 (UTC)

Nem értem csak néhány sort módosítottam és ennyi

2013. aug. 24. 22:10
 1/3 anonim válasza:

Hello, habar a wiki egy szabad oldal, ahova mindenki sajat tudasa szerint irhat cikkeket, vannak szabalyok, amiket betartatnak a felhasznalokkal. Ez a kozossegi felhasznalok szabalygyujtemenye.

Az eseted korulmenyeit nem ismerem, nem tudom, melyik cikket es milyen formaban modositottad, de valoszinu, hogy nagy latogatottsagu vagy referencialt cikkrol volt szo, egyebkent nem vettek volna vandalizmusnak.

Esetleg eltavolitottal egy referenciaval megalapozott szovegreszt, ezert johetett elo az oldaltartalom torlesere vonatkozo figyelmeztetes.

Ha modositani akarod az oldaltartalmat, akkor a legjobb, ha bekapcsolodsz az adott cikkel osszefuggo dialogusba es javasolsz egy valtoztatast.

Ha nem beszeled meg a cikk iroival es csak atirsz reszeket, akkor trollkodasnak fogjak venni. Meg akkor is, ha peldaul te tudtad jobban.

Egyes tevekenysegekert azonnali tiltas jar, szoval te csak egy figyelmeztetest kaptal.

Itt egy gyujtemeny, melyik tiltott tevekenysegert mi jar:


Itt pedig a modositasokrol szolo passzusok:

Content changes

Policies and guidelines can be edited like any other Wikipedia page. It is not strictly necessary to discuss changes or to obtain written documentation of a consensus in advance. However, because policies and guidelines are sensitive and complex, users should take care over any edits, to be sure they are faithfully reflecting the community's view and to be sure that they are not accidentally introducing new sources of error or confusion.

Because Wikipedia practice exists in the community through consensus, editing a policy/guideline/essay page does not in itself imply an immediate change to accepted practice. It is, naturally, bad practice to recommend a rejected practice on a policy or guideline page. To update best practices, you may change the practice directly (you are permitted to deviate from practice for the purposes of such change) and/or set about building widespread consensus for your change or implementation through discussion. When such a change is accepted, you can then edit the page to reflect the new situation.

Substantive changes

Talk first. Talk page discussion typically precedes substantive changes to policy. Changes may be made if there are no objections, or if discussion shows that there is consensus for the change. Minor edits to improve formatting, grammar, and clarity may be made at any time.

If the result of discussions is unclear, then it should be evaluated by an administrator or other independent editor, as in the proposal process. Major changes should also be publicized to the community in general; announcements similar to the proposal process may be appropriate.

If wider input on a proposed change is desired, it may be useful to mark the section with the tag {{underdiscussion|section|talk=Discussion Title}}. (If the proposal relates to a single statement, use {{underdiscussion-inline|Discussion Title}} immediately after it.)

Or be bold. The older but still valid method is to boldly edit the page. Bold editors of policy and guideline pages are strongly encouraged to follow WP:1RR or WP:0RR standards. Although most editors find advance discussion, especially at well-developed pages, very helpful, directly editing these pages is permitted by Wikipedia's policies. Consequently, you should not remove any change solely on the grounds that there was no formal discussion indicating consensus for the change before it was made. Instead, you should give a substantive reason for challenging it and, if one hasn't already been started, open a discussion to identify the community's current views.

Editing a policy to support your own argument in an active discussion may be seen as gaming the system, especially if you do not disclose your involvement in the argument when making the edits.

2013. aug. 25. 21:48
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/3 A kérdező kommentje:

Hát sajnos most néztem meg nem sikerült módosítani ezt


A far-right-ot átírtam Radical right-ra

Ezt a bejegyzést meg kitöröltem

Jobbik has been described by, different press outlets and its political opponents as fascist,[9] neo-fascist,[10] Neo-Nazi,[11] racist,[12] anti-Semitic,[13] anti-Roma[14] and homophobic.

jó beismerem hogy ez nem egyeztetem meg durva volt. és aki küldte a bejelentést azzal vitázok


2013. aug. 25. 22:25
 3/3 anonim ***** válasza:
Mi a probléma a far-right, azaz szélsőjobb kifejezéssel? Minek írod át radikálisra, mikor szinonim szava, ráadásul politikai hovatartozásnál (szvsz) ezt a kifejezést használják angolul.
2013. szept. 27. 23:09
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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