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Eladtam valamit ebay-en?

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Eladtam ebayen egy 1gen touchot

A vevőm miután nem olvasta végig, aztmondta, hogy nincs a leírásban az, hogy megprobáltam kinyitni, így nyitott egy case-t hogy a leírás nem megfelelő (egy magyar srác vette meg személyesen vittem el neki és emlékszem tisztán, hogy ott is mondtam neki, hogy nem működik, meg kiakartam nyitni).

Azt akarom, hogy az ebay döntsön, mit kell tennem?

Már felevettem velük a kapcsolatot:

Dear eBay! I write you, because I have serious disagreement with the user exon73. He says that I did not write my product’s description in details enough and I hold back important information. I do not agree with him, I think that everything was absolutely clear in my description. Now, I would like to write you everything about our fight. I had an Apple iPod Touch 1st generation (8 GB) and I advertised it on 17th April (item number is 161010261056, exact link: [link] I marked as ‘For parts or not working’ and I started with my advertisement that ‘IT ISN'T WORKING!!’. Two days later, on 19th April the user exon73 took a bid to my iPod. He bought it ‘Buy it now’ and he paid US $25.00, plus 1 more for shipping. He paid the money quickly, it was not problem. After it, I realized that we live in the same country and city, too. I offered that I give to him personally. Before our meeting I wrote to him again (!) this iPod does not work! On 20th April, when we met everything was OK: he asked my what the problem is with the iPod, I told him the same what I wrote in the advertisement and some more information about charging and the inner conditions. I also told I opened the iPod. He said OK and he will take it to a service. He wrote me again more, than a whole week, on Sunday, 28th April. He wrote that I cheated him, because in the iPod many parts are broken. It is not truth, because I knew that parts are not work and I wrote it in my description, too, but the were not broken when I sold it! He wrote me again and again it was broken, because I opened it. Yes, I opened it, but I realized that it is not worth my time and money, so I did nor care these non-working parts. He indicted and inculpated me I cheated him. At the beginning he spoke to me normal tone of voice, but after the second-third letter his voice got worth and worth. At the end he used obscene words and I think he can not afford this. It is outrageous! He insulted me! I tried to explain to him that I told to him everything when he met and I wrote also everything in the description of the iPod. In my opinion I always used normal tone of voice, this is the reason why I required the same. Yesterday (28th April) evening he reported me to you. I think it was not necessary, because it is a simple communication problem from his side! I repeat myself, I wrote/told everything about the iPod! I gave to him personally, he had chance to examining, ask questions and anything else… He said iPod is OK. Now, he wants to get back his money, because I cheated him. I do not agree with him, I did not wrote or tell that it repairable! And the other problem: the broken parts… Unfortunately I can not prove that parts were not broken, but if they were I think he would wrote me a message after our meeting day, not more, than a whole week! I am sorry, I did not want to cause nuisance, but I would like to wrote the story of my side. I hope you will make a responsible and fair decision. Best regards, ------ ezt írtam!!

itt a válasz:

Thank you for contacting eBay Customer Service about the Apple iPod Touch 1st Generation (8 GB) MP3 Player (item number 161010261056) you recently sold. I’m sorry to hear you’re having problems with the buyer of the item. I certainly understand how frustrating it could be to encounter a problem with a transaction. My name is Catrina and I’m happy to help you with this.

xxxxx, I’ve reviewed your transaction and I see that the buyer has already opened a case for this specific transaction. I recommend that you respond to the case with all the details that you have written in this email so that we will be able to include these information when we review your case later on.

You need to respond to the case in the Resolution Center within 3 business days from when it was opened by the buyer. We believe this is a fair amount of time for you both to work things out before stepping in to resolve a case.

You have a number of options for responding to the case:

-- Ask the buyer to return the item to you for a full refund.

-- Offer a full or partial refund and let the buyer keep the item.

-- Offer another solution that the buyer is happy with (such as exchanging the item or replacing missing or faulty parts).

-- Show that the item was properly described.

-- Ask eBay Customer Support to review the case and make a decision. Keep in mind that eBay's decision on a case is final. If eBay decides in favor of the buyer, reimbursement may be deducted from your PayPal account or other reimbursement payment method.

Here's more information on how to respond to a case:


I hope this helps explain what you can do when one of your transactions is being disputed by your buyer.

xxxxxx, I see you’ve been a an eBay member since March 19, 2011 and you just hit your 2nd year mark with us last month. I would like to extend my congratulations and let you know how much we appreciate your continued patronage. We look forward to having a continued partnership with you over the years.

Thank you for choosing eBay! We value your business.


Catrina Ro.

eBay Customer Service

2013. máj. 1. 20:40
 1/1 anonim ***** válasza:
A resolution centerben a fiókodban nincs erre lehetőség a panasznál?
2013. máj. 1. 20:54
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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