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Mit jelent az amikor a facebook ezt írja ki?

Figyelt kérdés

Understanding Friend Requests on Facebook

Friend requests are more likely to be accepted when you send them to people you already know, such as classmates, friends, family and coworkers.

If you use Facebook to communicate with strangers, they have the option to report that they don't know you or to mark the communication as spam. If this happens repeatedly, you could be viewed as violating Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.

Friend Requests and Messages Blocked for 2 Days

To prevent you from contacting people against their wishes, your friend requests and your ability to send messages to strangers have been blocked temporarily.

If more of your friend requests are later marked as spam or reported for being sent to strangers, this block could be extended. To prevent this, you may wish to cancel your pending friend requests.

Also cancel unanswered requests?

Remove my unanswered friend requests.

Next Steps

After this 2-day block has been lifted, please only send friend requests to people you believe will accept your requests.

Please Log Out

This form is only meant to be completed by users who are unable to access their accounts. If you are logged in to your account, please go back to the Help Center to find the answer to your issue and contact us if needed.

If you are trying to contact us regarding a different account, please log out before completing this form.

2011. febr. 18. 17:00
 1/5 anonim válasza:
a webfordító is a barátod ;) használd bátran!:D
2011. febr. 20. 12:24
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/5 A kérdező kommentje:
Nem, nem azt kb. értem mit ír, csak azt nem, hogy én mit követhettem el, amiért ezt kaptam.:S
2011. febr. 21. 19:06
 3/5 anonim válasza:
Ilyet már is is kaptam.Blokkoltak 2 napra mert lehet hogy sok embert jelőltél be mostanában...
2011. febr. 21. 20:14
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/5 A kérdező kommentje:
De hogy ez mekkora egy hülyeség, most nem küldhetek a barátaimnak üzenetet emiatt! Azt meg sehol nem tudom megnézni, hogy kiket jelöltem be, hogy visszavonnám, csökkentve, szal ez a fészbúk nagyon ROSSZ.
2011. febr. 22. 13:59
 5/5 djroyal válasza:

Nekem meg ezt írta ki:

Friend requests are more likely to be accepted when you send them to people you already know, such as classmates, friends, family and coworkers.

If you use Facebook to communicate with strangers, they have the option to report that they don't know you or to mark the communication as spam. If this happens repeatedly, you could be viewed as violating Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.

2011. febr. 23. 01:27
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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