EVGA 1070 vga-m ujrapasztáztam garancia megmarad?

Írtam az EU-s supportnak, kiemelve a MaGYaR törvényeket (németbe csinálják a gariztatást), ugyan az mint a nemzetközi fórumos válaszuk. Ahogy az eredeti válaszomba írtam, ez a gyári garanciára szól.
Thank you for contacting us.
As long as you do not breake any parts, you are allowed to change the thermal paste/pads and the stock cooler on your gpu without voiding the warranty.
Please keep in mind, in case of an RMA process, you have to put the card back into factory condition, otherwise it could not be accepted for an RMA process.
So please keep your components after changing the stock fan/ cooling solution.
If you have any further questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to contact us.
I hope we could help you and wish you a nice day.
Kind regards,
Andreas T.
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