Mit jelent a 8 sipolás?
Mire nem jó a Google...
"8 short: Display memory Read/Write test failure"
"8 sip az video memoria ...elvileg"
"a VGA lehet, nézd meg nem e csúszik ki a helyéről, befeszülés vagy valami miatt."
2 Short Beeps Your computer has memory problems. First check video. If video is working, you'll see an error message. If not, you have a parity error in your first 64K of memory. First check your SIMM's. Reseat them and reboot. If this doesn't do it, the memory chips may be bad. You can try switching the first and second banks memory chips. First banks are the memory banks that your CPU finds its first 64K of base memory in. You'll need to consult your manual to see which bank is first. If all your memory tests good, you probably need to buy another motherboard.
8 Short Beeps Your video card isn't working. Make sure it is seated well in the bus. If it still beeps, either the whole card is bad or the memory on it is. Best bet is to install another video card.
angol tudásom sajnos véges,az kiderül,hogy mindenképp videókártya...
majd valamelyik komolyabb angolos megmondja :D
mellesleg milyen tápod van?
Attól függ. Milyen a BIOS?
AWARD és AMI BIOS-nál nem minden jelzés jelenti ugyan azt.
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