Ezen a gépen hogy mutatna az ubuntu? érdemes rárakni?
lassú lenne szaggatna,vagy simán vinné?
ECS P4S8AG alaplap
2,4 Intel Pentium proci
768 MB ddr ram
64 MB xabre inegrált vga

Ezen az oldalon úgy látom, hogy a minimális gépigényen felül van, az, amivel rendelkezel:
Minimum Hardware Requirements
1 GHz Pentium or better processor (such as Dual Core, Core 2 Duo, i3, i5,i7… )
384 MB of primary memory (RAM) although, at-least 512 MB is recommended
5 GB of harddrive space but it would be better if you have more than 10GB (unless you are installing Ubuntu 11.04 , for testing or any specific purpose)
Either a CD/DVD drive or a USB (Universal Serial Bus) port (or both)
a Graphics Card if you want to use the Unity in 3D Mode, which is the default mode of Ubuntu 11.04, although it’s optional because you can still use Gnome 2.* efficiently by turning off the compiz or desktop effects which consumes a lot of resources
A monitor (CRT, LCD-TFT, LCD-LED or whatever) capable of displaying output at Resolution (Min) : 800×600
Internet Connection is not necessary but it’s recommended
Bár, a RAM-nál ajánlott, hogy 1 GB-os legyen, a többivel nincs gond (mármint ahogyan tudom).
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