Veszélyes dolog sok kávét inni tesztoszteronszint növelő szteroid használata mellett?

Ja hogy metha/Dana. Akkor azt mondd. Anabolics c. könyv idevágó része:
Side Effects (Cardiovascular): Anabolic/androgenicsteroidscan have deleteriouseffects on serumcholesterol. This includes a tendency to reduce HDL (good) cholesterol values and increase LDL (bad) cholesterol values, which may shift the HDL to LDL balance in a direction that favors greater risk of arteriosclerosis. The relative impact of an anabolic/androgenic steroid on serum lipids is dependant on the dose, route of administration (oral vs. injectable), type of steroid
(aromatizable or non-aromatizable), and level of resistance to hepatic metabolism. Methandrostenolone has a strong effect on the hepatic management ofcholesterol due to its
structural resistance to liver breakdown and route of administration. Anabolic/androgenic
steroids may also adversely affect blood pressure and triglycerides, reduce endothelial relaxation, and support left ventricular hypertrophy, all potentially increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseaseand myocardialinfarction.
To help reduce cardiovascular strain it is advised to maintain an active cardiovascular exercise program and minimize the intake of saturated fats, cholesterol, and simple
carbohydrates at all times during active AAS administration. Supplementing with fish oils (4
grams per day) and a natural cholesterol/antioxidant formula such as Lipid Stabil or a product with comparableingredients isalso recommended.

Igen, ráadásul ez a legszennyebb anyag.
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Valószínű hogy ez a tabletta utáni szédülésed,csak pszchihésen van,mivel félsz ettől a szertől
(Ami teljesen érhető)valójában,és beképzeled.
Vérnyomásod pulzusod rendben? egyéb fájdalmak?
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