A női műkorcsolyázóknak muszáj olyan egyberuhában szerepelni? Nem lehet nekik valamilyen fajta nadrág, vagy ami nem szoknya?

Jégtáncban csak szoknyában lehetnek, ez szabály. Egyéniben és párosban felvehetne nadrágot is. Idézem a szabályt (angolul):
In general, costumes must meet the following requirements:
The clothing of the competitors must be modest, dignified and appropriate for athletic competition, not garish or theatrical in design. Clothing may, however, reflect the character of the music chosen.
Costumes must also avoid the appearance of excessive nudity.
Across all disciplines, men must wear trousers; no tights for men are permitted.
In singles and pairs skating, women may wear skirts, trousers and tights, including unitards.
Rules are stricter in ice dancing: A woman must wear a skirt that goes around her entire waist (though there may be slits in the skirt). The majority of the upper body must be covered, and costumes must not hide the body line of the skaters.
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