Jógázók! Ez milyen mudra lehet a jógában vagy máshol?
Láttam egy mudrát, de nem találok sehol leírást. Az alapja a Gyan Mudra viszont a kisújj hozzá ér a gyürüs új első percéhez, oldalról.
Segítségeteket előre is köszönöm!

A gyűrűs ujjat a föld elemhez kapcsolják az indiai mudrák rendszerében.
Az ujjhegy érintése a hüvelykkel az adott elem másik néggyel való egyensúlyba hozását segíti.

Van ilyen, de itt a többi ujj nyújtott:
Description Prithivi Mudra is a joint-hand mudra (samyukta hasta) common
to the yoga tradition. It is used in the Yoga Tattva Mudra Vijnana to affect
the Earth Element for the purpose of improving digestion, and generally to
strengthen the bodily constitution.
R Technique Lightly join the tips of the thumb and ring finger. The other
fingers remain extended and relaxed.
R Application In a comfortable seated position, form the mudra with each
hand. Rest the hands in the lap, palms facing up. Soften the ribs and belly,
and adjust your breathing to be slow, smooth, and deep. Feel the belly rise
with the inhalation and fall with the exhalation. Imagine a ball of golden-red
light inside your abdomen growing brighter with each breath. Hold for 5 to
45 minutes.
R Benefits Strengthens digestion and assimilation, helps rebuild a thin and
frail constitution, creates a sense of centeredness and grounding, benefits the
skin, improves the disposition, helps one adjust to any kind of change or
disruption to the normal schedule or routine; spiritually it establishes a sense
of effortless joy.
Note Prithivi Mudra may be practiced while walking, standing, or lying down. Anytime you
desire to feel more centered and grounded, such as before a presentation, exam, or long journey,
you can employ this mudra discreetly.
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