Venezuela milyen alapon követeli Guyana-nak több mint a felét?
Nekem nagyon tetszik Guyana, mint ország, angol nyelvű, szívesen élnék is ott. De valamin megakadt a szemem.
Ugye önmagában Guyana így néz ki:
Venezuela, és a csíkozott terület az, amit követel. (legalábbis az van ott h reklamación)
Az angol szöveg ez a kép alatt :
Venezuela, in colour including a modern and extended part of "Venezuela Guayana" the area of Guyana being claimed by Venezuela (striped red).
Akkor most hogy van? Tényleg megszűnhet Guyana létezni? Hisz egy darab spanyol anyanyelvű sem él ott.
A másik, Suriname. Annak is ilyen :
A világosabb, szaggatott vonalú az a terület, ami régen hozzá tartozott, most nem.
Akkor Guyana felé 2 országnak is területi igénye van? Vagy hogy van ez?
Nem értem. Valaki érti?

Ez a cik, de mi a lényege nagyjából?
Guyana is in border disputes with both Suriname, to which territory belongs the area east of the left bank of the Corentyne River and the New River in southwestern Suriname, and Venezuela which claims the land west of the Essequibo River, once the Dutch colony of Essequibo as part of Venezuela's Guayana Essequiba.[12][13][14] The maritime[15][16] component of the territorial dispute with Suriname was arbitrated by the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea, and a ruling was announced on 21 September 2007. The ruling concerning the Caribbean Sea north of both nations found both parties violated treaty obligations and declined to order any compensation to either party.[17]
When the British surveyed British Guiana in 1840, they included the entire Cuyuni River basin within the colony. Venezuela did not agree with this as it claimed all lands west of the Essequibo River. In 1898, at Venezuela's request, an international arbitration tribunal was convened, and in 1899 they issued an award giving about 94% of the disputed territory to British Guiana.
Venezuela and Great Britain accepted the award by treaty in 1905, but Venezuela raised the issue again at the time of Guyana's independence and continues to claim Guayana Esequiba.[18] Venezuela calls this region "Zona en Reclamación" (Reclamation Zone) and Venezuelan maps of the national territory routinely include it, drawing it in with dashed lines.[19]
Specific small disputed areas involving Guyana are Ankoko Island with Venezuela; Corentyne River[20] with Suriname; and New River Triangle[21] with Suriname.

"Guyana? Suriname? Miért akarsz ott élni? Eléggé lepukkant országok azok..."
Háát vonz a gyönyörű táj, békés országok, kicsik, a kultúra,stb, nemtom megmagyarázni. :D
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