Melyik uralkodó és milyen okból mondta ezeket a mondatokat, és egy neves angol sorozatban melyik színész keltette életre karikatúraszerű figuráját?

a válasz ezen az oldalon van:) a megoldás pedig: George prince of wales. A színész Peter Egan és a sorozat: [link]
húú de K jó vagyok!!! GIVE ME A HIGH FIVE!

de tudom azt is, ott volt a linkelt oldalon:
Harris found the Princess dressed in a dishevelled manner, and it was obvious that she had not washed in several days. He found her conversation coarse and overly familiar. Harris spent almost four months with her, doing his best to improve her behaviour and habits, before they reached England, a time lengthened by poor winter weather and delays occasioned by the war against France.[4] The diplomat brought Caroline to St. James's Palace; on first sight of his bride, the Prince stated, "Harris, I am not well, pray get me a glass of brandy."[5] After the Prince had left, Caroline said, "I think he is very fat and nothing like as handsome as his portrait."
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