Az USA addig ügyeskedik míg ki nem robbantja a világháborút?

A telex is annak számít?
„Ha Oroszország a megszállás mellett dönt, az azt jelenti, hogy tankok vagy csapatok lépik át újra Ukrajna határát, akkor nem lesz többé Északi Áramlat 2. Mi véget vetünk ennek” – idézte Bident a Reuters. Arra a kérdésre, hogy hogyan tennék ezt, tekintve, hogy a projekt német ellenőrzés alatt áll, Biden azt mondta: „Megígérem, hogy képesek leszünk rá”.

Egy másik topikból:
"I wonder what will happen if the Danish and Swedish governments and their society find out that in today's summary report, an open report came to the White House and the US Congress that British scuba divers from the Royal Navy have been conducting exercises in the area of Bornholm Trench for the third day already?
And what will be the surprise of European bureaucrats in Brussels when they see at NATO headquarters the answer of a secret American research institute, which is part of the Pentagon, that on August 23 they sold two of the latest underwater robotic manipulators for working at depths of up to 150 meters? And how will the fact of today's ceremony of awarding two sailors from HIS (Her) Majesty's Fleet for military merit and holding important events in foreign territorial waters, scheduled for 19:00 Moscow time, affect relations between the United Kingdom and the European Union?
And how will the entire civilized Western world survive if the Government of Israel publishes yesterday's Mossad report on the successful sabotage of Russian energy infrastructure facilities by PMCs under the command of the US 6th Fleet? "

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