Kezdőoldal » Politika » Egyéb kérdések » Melyik országokban nincsenek...

Melyik országokban nincsenek COVID korlátozások?

Figyelt kérdés
Ha Viktor Viktoriánusz meghosszabbítja a kijárási korlátozásokat, és továbbra sem lehet edzeni járni, akkor gondolkozom, hogy dobbantok pár hónapra az országból. Melyik ország az, ahol nincsenek korlátozások, és viszonylag élhető is?
2020. dec. 26. 23:32
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 21/25 anonim ***** válasza:
#14! Persze, hogy az mi más lenne, ez a kérdező naponta kiír egy kérdést, amiben gyúrni akar, és nem tud kijárási tilalom miatt.
2020. dec. 27. 23:12
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 22/25 anonim ***** válasza:
Európában Fehéroroszország, Svédország. Ázsiában Kína, Taiwan, Türkmenisztán, Afganisztán, Tadzsikisztán. :D
2020. dec. 28. 09:03
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 23/25 anonim ***** válasza:
Azért megvan annak a diszkrét bája, hogy tényleges kemény diktatúrákban most szabadabbak az emberek mint Európa nagy részén. Fehéroroszországban mehetsz konditerembe, este sétálni itt meg a fizetésed két-háromszorosára is büntethetnek ugyan azért.
2020. dec. 28. 09:10
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 24/25 anonim ***** válasza:

Face mask requirement

Everyone aged 13 or over is required to wear a face mask for general use in the following situations:

In buildings and covered spaces that are accessible to the public (in so far as these are open). This includes:

shops, town halls, airports, covered car parks and petrol stations;

schools, while people are walking or standing. They can take off their face mask as soon as they have taken their seat.

Both customers and staff should wear a face mask in locations where contact-based professions are carried out.

On public transport, in stations, on platforms and at bus and tram stops.

In all these places wearing a face mask is required by law. If you do not wear a face mask, you risk being fined €95.Face mask requirement

Everyone aged 13 or over is required to wear a face mask for general use in the following situations:

In buildings and covered spaces that are accessible to the public (in so far as these are open). This includes:

shops, town halls, airports, covered car parks and petrol stations;

schools, while people are walking or standing. They can take off their face mask as soon as they have taken their seat.

Both customers and staff should wear a face mask in locations where contact-based professions are carried out.

On public transport, in stations, on platforms and at bus and tram stops.

In all these places wearing a face mask is required by law. If you do not wear a face mask, you risk being fined €95.Face mask requirement

Everyone aged 13 or over is required to wear a face mask for general use in the following situations:

In buildings and covered spaces that are accessible to the public (in so far as these are open). This includes:

shops, town halls, airports, covered car parks and petrol stations;

schools, while people are walking or standing. They can take off their face mask as soon as they have taken their seat.

Both customers and staff should wear a face mask in locations where contact-based professions are carried out.

On public transport, in stations, on platforms and at bus and tram stops.

In all these places wearing a face mask is required by law. If you do not wear a face mask, you risk being fined €95.Face mask requirement

Everyone aged 13 or over is required to wear a face mask for general use in the following situations:

In buildings and covered spaces that are accessible to the public (in so far as these are open). This includes:

shops, town halls, airports, covered car parks and petrol stations;

schools, while people are walking or standing. They can take off their face mask as soon as they have taken their seat.

Both customers and staff should wear a face mask in locations where contact-based professions are carried out.

On public transport, in stations, on platforms and at bus and tram stops.

In all these places wearing a face mask is required by law. If you do not wear a face mask, you risk being fined €95.

2021. febr. 16. 22:42
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 25/25 anonim ***** válasza:

Face mask requirement

Everyone aged 13 or over is required to wear a face mask for general use in the following situations:

In buildings and covered spaces that are accessible to the public (in so far as these are open). This includes:

shops, town halls, airports, covered car parks and petrol stations;

schools, while people are walking or standing. They can take off their face mask as soon as they have taken their seat.

Both customers and staff should wear a face mask in locations where contact-based professions are carried out.

On public transport, in stations, on platforms and at bus and tram stops.

In all these places wearing a face mask is required by law. If you do not wear a face mask, you risk being fined €95.Face mask requirement

Everyone aged 13 or over is required to wear a face mask for general use in the following situations:

In buildings and covered spaces that are accessible to the public (in so far as these are open). This includes:

shops, town halls, airports, covered car parks and petrol stations;

schools, while people are walking or standing. They can take off their face mask as soon as they have taken their seat.

Both customers and staff should wear a face mask in locations where contact-based professions are carried out.

On public transport, in stations, on platforms and at bus and tram stops.

In all these places wearing a face mask is required by law. If you do not wear a face mask, you risk being fined €95.Face mask requirement

Everyone aged 13 or over is required to wear a face mask for general use in the following situations:

In buildings and covered spaces that are accessible to the public (in so far as these are open). This includes:

shops, town halls, airports, covered car parks and petrol stations;

schools, while people are walking or standing. They can take off their face mask as soon as they have taken their seat.

Both customers and staff should wear a face mask in locations where contact-based professions are carried out.

On public transport, in stations, on platforms and at bus and tram stops.

In all these places wearing a face mask is required by law. If you do not wear a face mask, you risk being fined €95.Face mask requirement

Everyone aged 13 or over is required to wear a face mask for general use in the following situations:

In buildings and covered spaces that are accessible to the public (in so far as these are open). This includes:

shops, town halls, airports, covered car parks and petrol stations;

schools, while people are walking or standing. They can take off their face mask as soon as they have taken their seat.

Both customers and staff should wear a face mask in locations where contact-based professions are carried out.

On public transport, in stations, on platforms and at bus and tram stops.

In all these places wearing a face mask is required by law. If you do not wear a face mask, you risk being fined €95.Face mask requirement

Everyone aged 13 or over is required to wear a face mask for general use in the following situations:

In buildings and covered spaces that are accessible to the public (in so far as these are open). This includes:

shops, town halls, airports, covered car parks and petrol stations;

schools, while people are walking or standing. They can take off their face mask as soon as they have taken their seat.

Both customers and staff should wear a face mask in locations where contact-based professions are carried out.

On public transport, in stations, on platforms and at bus and tram stops.

In all these places wearing a face mask is required by law. If you do not wear a face mask, you risk being fined €95.Face mask requirement

Everyone aged 13 or over is required to wear a face mask for general use in the following situations:

In buildings and covered spaces that are accessible to the public (in so far as these are open). This includes:

shops, town halls, airports, covered car parks and petrol stations;

schools, while people are walking or standing. They can take off their face mask as soon as they have taken their seat.

Both customers and staff should wear a face mask in locations where contact-based professions are carried out.

On public transport, in stations, on platforms and at bus and tram stops.

In all these places wearing a face mask is required by law. If you do not wear a face mask, you risk being fined €95.Face mask requirement

Everyone aged 13 or over is required to wear a face mask for general use in the following situations:

In buildings and covered spaces that are accessible to the public (in so far as these are open). This includes:

shops, town halls, airports, covered car parks and petrol stations;

schools, while people are walking or standing. They can take off their face mask as soon as they have taken their seat.

Both customers and staff should wear a face mask in locations where contact-based professions are carried out.

On public transport, in stations, on platforms and at bus and tram stops.

In all these places wearing a face mask is required by law. If you do not wear a face mask, you risk being fined €95.Face mask requirement

Everyone aged 13 or over is required to wear a face mask for general use in the following situations:

In buildings and covered spaces that are accessible to the public (in so far as these are open). This includes:

shops, town halls, airports, covered car parks and petrol stations;

schools, while people are walking or standing. They can take off their face mask as soon as they have taken their seat.

Both customers and staff should wear a face mask in locations where contact-based professions are carried out.

On public transport, in stations, on platforms and at bus and tram stops.

In all these places wearing a face mask is required by law. If you do not wear a face mask, you risk being fined €95.Face mask requirement

Everyone aged 13 or over is required to wear a face mask for general use in the following situations:

In buildings and covered spaces that are accessible to the public (in so far as these are open). This includes:

shops, town halls, airports, covered car parks and petrol stations;

schools, while people are walking or standing. They can take off their face mask as soon as they have taken their seat.

Both customers and staff should wear a face mask in locations where contact-based professions are carried out.

On public transport, in stations, on platforms and at bus and tram stops.

In all these places wearing a face mask is required by law. If you do not wear a face mask, you risk being fined €95.Face mask requirement

Everyone aged 13 or over is required to wear a face mask for general use in the following situations:

In buildings and covered spaces that are accessible to the public (in so far as these are open). This includes:

shops, town halls, airports, covered car parks and petrol stations;

schools, while people are walking or standing. They can take off their face mask as soon as they have taken their seat.

Both customers and staff should wear a face mask in locations where contact-based professions are carried out.

On public transport, in stations, on platforms and at bus and tram stops.

In all these places wearing a face mask is required by law. If you do not wear a face mask, you risk being fined €95.

2021. febr. 16. 22:42
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
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