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Hogy lehetseges az hogy Hitler ellen tobb tucat merenylet ismert mig peldaul Sztalin-rol, Churchill-rol Roosevelt-rol es a tobbi vezetorol akik szinten iranyitottak a haborut egyet se hallani vagy tudni?

Figyelt kérdés

2020. aug. 16. 19:42
 1/5 anonim ***** válasza:

Az angol/amerikai vezetőknél szerintem egyértelmű. A háború alatt az emberek egységesen felléptek a náci fenyegetés ellen, nem volt értelme veszélyeztetni a sikert a vezetőik kiiktatásával.

Sztálin ellen azért volt szintén néhány sikertelen próbálkozás, ezt az angol listát találtam.

There were in fact several domestic attempts to assassinate Stalin.

November 16, 1931. Ogaryov met Stalin on the Ilyinka str. near house 5/2 and tried to pull out his gun, but was stopped by a member of pre-KGB.

In early 1930-s, there was a society of people who called themselves "Klubok" (something like "a roll, a ball" if translated into English). Among the members there were military people, Enukidze, Peterson. There are mentions that there was an assassination attempt in the Kremlin library in January of 1935 done by Orlova-Pavlova, but Stalin was not hurt. Most of the people found connected to this, were executed.

May 1, 1937. An unconfirmed version of an assassination attempt based solely on the fact that that day, Voroshilov (the Defense Commissar) actually had a gun in his gun holster, which he never had neither before nor after the day.

French intelligence has some documents that Leutenant Danilov entered the Kremlin on March 11, 1938 using false documents and dressed as a pre-KGB type officer. He wanted to kill Stalin, and when he was being questioned after, he said that he was a member of a secret organization that had a goal to get the revenge for Tukhachevskiy's execution.

Operation "Bear" Far Eastern's KGB chief, G.S.Lyushkov, desserted to Japan in 1938. The plan was to kill Stalin while he was bathing in Matsesta (in hot springs). The attempt failed because the terrorist group was shot at while they were crossing the border, three out of six people died. Another attempt by Japanese secret service was to put a bomb into the Lenin's Mausoleum such that it would explode on May 1, 1938 during the parade. The failure of both of these attempts is attributed to the information provided by a Soviet agent named Leo who was working in Manchuria.

November 6, 1942. Dmitriev, a deserter, started firing a weapon at the government vehicle leaving the Kremlin. After making several shots, he was disarmed, no one was hurt. It is believed that he wanted to kill Mikoyan. According to the theories, he was either looking for a revenge, or was mentally ill.

German intelligence wanted to kill Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill during the Tehran Conference in 1943, but their plans failed because of leaked information.

Besides all mentioned above, there were also accidents that seemed like assassination attempts.

To sum up, why there were not so many attempts to kill or overthrow Stalin? In my opinion, there are two reasons. The first reason is propaganda. Most of the USSR loved Stalin but it was mostly because people were brainwashed about how good he was and he provided this and that and so on. The second reason is that people were being afraid so much to even tell limericks about him because if someone else told on them, they would be executed or sent into Siberia to chop wood.

2020. aug. 16. 19:58
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/5 anonim ***** válasza:
Hitler ellen valóban rengeteg merényletet követtek el, de Sátáni védelem alatt állt.
2020. aug. 16. 20:49
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/5 anonim ***** válasza:
Így van, a Thule Társaság nem véletlenül működött már egy ideje.
2020. aug. 16. 21:14
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/5 anonim ***** válasza:
Hitler egyszerűen jobb ember volt. Pl. simán bement a tömegbe, nem öletett meg mindenkit, aki gyanús volt neki. A nép imádta. De nagyon sok rossz ember vagy ugye. Pl. egyszer valaki felrobbantott tucatnyi embert csak azért, hogy megölje. Nem volt rá esélye, de nem akadályozta meg a robbanást.
2020. aug. 16. 21:59
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 5/5 Salamon Bálint ***** válasza:
Chirchillt 13, Sztálint 7, míg Rooseveltet egyszer próbálták megölni ( [link]
2020. aug. 17. 12:18
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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