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Mi a kiejtési különbség e két angol szó között?

Figyelt kérdés
Azt hogy know -tudom, mintha ugyanúgy ejtenék ki mint azt a szót hogy now - most. Nyilván van hangzási eltérés, csak én nem érzékelem úgy mint egy angol.
2019. márc. 2. 22:33
 1/2 anonim ***** válasza:
A know az inkább "nou" kiejtve, a now pedig inkább "náu".
2019. márc. 2. 23:10
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 anonim ***** válasza:


know, beau (IPA [o, oC, ou]). Especially in positions of emphasis, such as when it occurs at the end of a word or has primary stress, \‹\ tends to become diphthongal, moving from \‹\ toward a second element \\. In southern England and in some U.S. speech, particularly in the Philadelphia area and in the Pennsylvania-Ohio-West Virginia border area, the first element is often approximately \ə\. In coastal South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida stressed \‹\ is often monophthongal when final, but when a consonant follows it is often a diphthong moving from \‹\ to \ə\. In this book the symbol \‹\ represents all of the above variants. As an unstressed vowel before another vowel, \‹\ is often pronounced as a schwa with slight lip rounding that is separated from the following vowel by the glide \w\, as in following \fä-lə-wiŋ\. This reduced variant is not usually shown at individual entries.

now, loud, out (IPA [aC, au]). The initial element of this diphthong may vary from \a\ to \ä\, the first being more common in Southern and south Midland speech than elsewhere. In coastal areas of the southern U.S. and in parts of Canada this diphthong is often realized as \ə\ when immediately preceding a voiceless consonant, as in the noun house and in out. Many varieties of English do not allow \a\ to be followed by \l\ in the same syllable. Speakers of such varieties will insert a following \ə\ which creates a new syllable. This is indicated by the transcription \a(-ə)l\. For such speakers, owl will rhyme with avowal. Also, many varieties of English do not allow \a\ to be followed by \r\ in the same syllable. Speakers of such varieties will transform the following \r\ into \ər\, thus creating a new syllable. This is indicated by the transcription \a(-ə)r\. For such speakers, scour will rhyme with plower.

2019. márc. 5. 16:36
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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