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Az alábbi angol szövegeket letudná nekem valaki fordítani magyarra? (egy asztro jellemzés lenne)

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ezt kellene:

To evolve, your spirit needs to learn to be more realistic,

practical and concrete. You will have to become less fearful and

allow yourself to integrate with life in all it\'s aspects. You

will have to avoid procrastination, laziness, shyness, and your

tendency to evade problems which could easily lead you to take up

some kind of vice. You will have to learn to organize and to

manage your resources to avoid possible economic chaos. You are

easily influenced and the success of your objectives depends to a

large extent on the support that you receive. You have to

overcome looking for approval and adopting the attitude of a

victim, and assume your responsibilities.


You are inclined to analyze each step you take too much and in

the end may not accomplish anything.

The profession you choose will have to allow you to express

your sense of order, your need of serving, curing, helping and

solving other\'s problems; avoid working in tense places, under

the supervision of aggressive people, or where you can\'t expect

stability and security for your future.


You are very industrious, organizing and efficient. You will

excel in your work through your ability and dedication. You like

to do things well and are likely to be a perfectionist in

everything. Analyzing every detail of a situation, you have the

ability to see what others miss. You will have to control the

tendency to criticize and to be always unsatisfied because of

your love of perfection. Though you understand authority, your

success is more related to work done in a subordinate position

rather than independently.

és ezt:

You will have to increase your self-esteem, confidence and

power of decision. You are likely to have inner inhibitions that

don\'t allow you to impose or freely express your ideas. You are

afraid of your own power and aggressiveness, which lowers your

energy or enthusiasm. You have a tendency to think too much

before acting, and most of the time this restricts your own

impulse. You have to learn to relax, to amuse yourself more, to

laugh about your own mistakes and to express your sense of humor

openly. You also may not use your creativity and artistic talent


2008. okt. 28. 14:12
 1/4 A kérdező kommentje:
Tudom, hogy kicsit sok, de nagyon hálás lennék érte ha valaki pontosan lefordítaná. :( :)
2008. okt. 28. 14:13
 2/4 anonim válasza:
Lefordítani én nem tudom, de ajánlom ezt a jó kis fordító oldalt, hátha....
2008. okt. 28. 14:42
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/4 A kérdező kommentje:

Próbáltam, de telkese érthetetlenül fordította le. :(

De azért köszönöm! :)

2008. okt. 28. 14:47
 4/4 anonim ***** válasza:
Essél neki egy sima kéziszótárral :) legalább tanulsz is belőle :)))
2008. nov. 21. 20:23
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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