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"In March 2012, Quanguo Li et al. determined the plumage coloration of Microraptor based on the new specimen BMNHC PH881, which also showed several other features previously unknown in Microraptor. By analyzing the fossilized melanosomes (pigment cells) in the fossil with scanning electron microscope techniques, the researchers compared their arrangements to those of modern birds. In Microraptor, these cells were shaped in a manner consistent with black, glossy coloration in modern birds. These rod-shaped, narrow melanosomes were arranged in stacked layers, much like those of a modern starling, and indicated iridescence in the plumage of Microraptor. Though the researchers state that the true function of the iridescence is yet unknown, it has been suggested that the tiny dromaeosaur was using its glossy coat as a form of communication or sexual display, much as in modern iridescent birds."

"In 2008, another study was published describing the integument and dermis of Psittacosaurus sp., from two different specimens. The skin remains could be observed by a natural cross-section to compare them to modern animals, showing that dinosaurian dermal layers evolved in parallel to those in many other large vertebrates. The collagen tissue fibres in Psittacosaurus are complex, virtually identical to all other vertebrates in structure but having an exceptional thickness of about forty layers. As the sections of dermis were collected from the abdomen, where the scales were eroded, the tissue may have assisted with the musculature of the stomach and intestines and offered protection against predators.

As described in a 2016 study, examination of melanosomes preserved in the specimen of Psittacosaurus preserved with integument indicated that the animal was countershaded, likely due to preferring a habitat in dense forests with little light, much like many modern species of forest-dwelling deer and antelope; stripes and spots on the limbs may represent disruptive coloration. The specimen also had dense clusters of pigment on its shoulders, face (possibly for display), and cloaca (which may have had an antimicrobial function), as well as large patagia on its hind legs that connected to the base of the tail. Its large eyes indicate that it also likely had good vision, which would have been useful in finding food or avoiding predators. The authors pointed out that there might have been variation in coloration across the range of the animal, depending on differences in the light environment. The authors were unable to determine which species of Jehol Formation Psittacosaurus the specimen belonged to due to the way the skull is preserved, but ruled out P. mongoliensis, based on hip features.

Another 2016 study used laser-stimulated fluorescence imaging to analyze the internal structure of the bristles. The highly cornified bristles are arranged in tight clusters of three to six individual bristles, with each bristle being filled with pulp. The authors considered the bristles as being homologous to the quills of Tianyulong, the elongated broad filamentous feathers (EBFFs) of Beipiaosaurus, and possibly the feathers of birds as well. Similar bristles are found in extant birds such as the horned screamer; these structures differ from feathers in that they do not develop from a follicle, but both arise from discrete cell populations. A darkened soft-tissue structure was also found near the jugal horn; this may represent a keratinous sheath or a skin flap."

"A later study in 2012 showed that the colours of Sinornithosaurus were reddish-brown, yellow, black and grey, which were spread around its body.

However, in 2010, another team of scientists led by Federico Gianechini published a paper casting doubts on the claim that Sinornithosaurus was venomous. They noted that grooved teeth are not unique to this genus, and in fact grooved teeth are found in many other theropods, including other dromaeosaurids. They also demonstrated that the teeth were not abnormally long as Gong and his team claimed, but rather had come out of their sockets, a preservational artifact common in crushed and flattened fossils. Finally, they could not independently verify the presence of supposed chambers for venom glands cited by Gong's team, finding only the normal sinuses of the skull.

In the same journal issue, Gong and his team submitted a reassessment of the 2010 study, casting doubt on their findings. They admitted that grooved teeth were common among theropods (though they suggested they were really only prevalent among feathered maniraptorans), and hypothesized that venom may have been a primitive trait for all archosaurs if not all reptiles, which was retained in certain lineages. They also disputed the claim that the teeth were significantly out of their sockets in the holotype specimen of Sinornithosaurus, though they admitted that they were not in a completely natural position. Gong's reassessment also claimed that certain undescribed specimens had fully articulated teeth showing a similar length. However, these grooved teeth are not direct evidence of venom, as non-venomous species of animals (such as baboons) have similarly grooved teeth."

2017. júl. 12. 12:47
 1/6 anonim válasza:
Bocs de erre kinek van ideje? :D
2017. júl. 12. 12:56
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/6 anonim ***** válasza:
Szakfordítás ingyen ??
2017. júl. 12. 13:00
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/6 anonim válasza:
Nagyon érdekes cikk volt (vagy csak kivonat?! Abstractnál azért hosszabb...), a mikroreptorokrol (kicsi repülő dinók, gondolom mint a mostani szárnyasok (pl tyúk XD) csak rendelkeztek grooved teeths (spéci fogsorral), ezekkel kapcsolatos kutatások menetéről is volt szó, még a végén a dögök rovátolt (?!) fogairól, amelyek ugyan nem juttattak mérget az elejtett áldozatukba, mert ilyen fogazattal non-venomous állatok (pl pavianok) is fel vannak vertezve már egy ideje... :D
2017. júl. 12. 13:13
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/6 anonim ***** válasza:
O.. ez egy csillámf.. mikroraptor:)
2017. júl. 12. 15:37
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 5/6 anonim ***** válasza:
f.. alatt fedőtollat értek..
2017. júl. 12. 15:38
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 6/6 anonim ***** válasza:
Gecc jó hogy nem az egész könyvet bemásolod...
2017. júl. 12. 18:27
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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