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Valaki átnézné az angol fogalmazásomat? Helyesírás is jó lenne, nem ellenőrzi a gépem.

Figyelt kérdés

Push a button and you get everything you need. Your flat is heated, the delivery person brings your pizza, you can speak with any friend of you, even if they are far away. But does it really enrich your life?

Famine, diseases and poverty that forces children to run barefoot? It's something for the third world.

Thanks to modern technology, there is enough for everybody. Progress in agriculture ensures, that you won't starve, even if there was a natural disaster: the neighbour country has more food than they need, they can share it with you. If you are sick, there is a medicin for any desease, the doctors can see inside you whit the x-rays and they will operate you if necessary. There is an overproduction, of course there is a pair of shoes for the poor child.

In addition, modern technology accelerates our lives.

We have to spend less time on working than ever before to achieve the same income. Althought, our demands raised so high, that we still spend our day by sitting at the writing-table until 5 a.m., in order to earn more than our neighbours.

You don't have to spend an hour by chopping wood and making fire and you don't have to carry water by the blistering cold in order to cook your meal. You neither hoe the vegetables in the afternoon. You earned enough money in an hour to allow yourself all these.

But everything has its price. It's a little bit like poker. If there is a winner, there also has to be a loser.

We mustn't forget that technological advence is strictly connected with the capitalism. Big fabrics are more productive.

Have a look at the beginning of the industrialisation: small workshops weren't competitive any more, people were forced to move in the cities and work long hours, in bad working conditions and for very low wages. For those people, technological advantege meant a step back in the time of the slavery society.

Sadly, it is no history. Many people have the same fate even nowadays, if they come to the world on the wrong place. The working conditions in Asia and South America haven't improved much since the beginning of the 19th century.

As I said before, there is an overproduction. That is why you have the same choise in the supermarket even Saturday evening, but that is also the reason, why you are not the absolute winner of the technological progress.

To get what you want and when you want it, is an overproduction unevitable. But it leads to tons of trash. You can sell it to Bangladesh, you can burn it, but it will all end up in the water you drink and in the air you breath in.

You do not absolutely improve your material quality of life, if you buy meat from a feedlot operation, even if it was more convenient to sit in the office instead of feeding your own pigs. Your ancestors ate better food.

Weighing the pros and cons one comes to the conclusion that advences in technology do not unevitably lead to the improvement of our material life. It surely has a lot of positive aspects, but we should share its benefits with every man, woman and child on the planet. In spite of this, we are in charge for keeping an eye on the sustainability of these progressions. The only unanswered question is whether the mankind is prepared for such a big responsibility.

2017. jan. 8. 19:07
 1/3 A kérdező kommentje:
Ha csak 1-2 hibát kiszúrtok és kommentben megjegyzitek annak is örülök :)
2017. jan. 8. 21:03
 2/3 anonim ***** válasza:

friend of yours

force the children

medicine for any disease

with x-rays

they will operate on you

we can/we're able to work less


writing/work desk

in the blistering cold

To allow yourself all of these

technological advancement

with capitalism

big factories

into cities


same fate even today

if they are born into the wring place




materialistic life

on this planet

in spite of all of these

whether manjind is prepared

2017. jan. 8. 21:26
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/3 anonim ***** válasza:

* into the wrong place

* mankind, the nelkul

bocsi, nem neztem at mielott elkuldtem.

2017. jan. 8. 23:56
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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