Valaki jó angolos tudna segíteni?

gimnazista: attend high shool, goes to high shool
családias atmoszféra: familiar atmosphere
We have to learn a lot, but this is not as hard as your duties are, i guess, because you graduate this year / this is your senior year.
My Mum and me go training twice a week.
Say hello to them behalf of me.

gimnazista: high shool/college student,
családias atmoszféra: familiar atmosphere
familiar atmoszfera - ismeros legkor/atmoszfere/hely
We do have to study harder but this isn't as hard as to fulfil our duties and responsibilities, as well as to be leaders and to act as role models since we are in our senior year.
My Mum and I go training twice a week.
Say hello to them for/from me. Say hello to them on my behalf.

Bocs, masodik sor kihuzva.
Familiar atmosphere nem jelenti a csaladias atmoszfert!
Homely/family-like/cosy atmosphere
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