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Le tudnátok fordítani nekem ezt az angol szöveget magyarra?

Figyelt kérdés


Shifted the Cholistan Dark Sector node by one.

Further finessed matchmaking logic to ensure your past presences are cleared before hosting or advertising matchmaking sessions.

Tweaked wording to add clarity to Stasis message for Kubrow.

Added number of remaining interactions to Kubrow menu.

Sentinels and Kubrows are no longer able to spawn in Mastery Rank tests. These tests are for the Tenno to prove their worth, not the pets!

Tweaked the sound of Frost's Snowglobe.

Tweaked the 'Revive' sound.

Corrected Tenno Default Colour Picker to use proper Gamma colour values.


Fixed Arcane Helmets being untradable.

Fixed a common game crash/hang that would occur when adjusting matchmaking settings, or simply ‘quitting’ the game.

Fixed crash that would occur when attempting to leave a squad.

Fixed crashes caused by low-level low-integrity Kubrows instantly entering bleedout.

Fixed crash that would occur when trying to remove the Parrot skin from your Carrier.

Fixed crash that could occur when spawning into Dark Sectors mission.

Fixed a game freeze that would occur when attempting to purchase an item to place in the Gear slot from the Arsenal menu.

Fixed the “Hidden Messages” quest giving the wrong inbox message on the third leg of the quest. This fix includes a less ‘chatty’ Ordis for that leg of the quest.

Fixed an issue with multiple Sentinel Codex entries not working correctly.

Fixed Kubrow collar mission not being completable.

Fixed issues with Clan name, Alliance name, and Message of the day appearing as exponents of the number 1.

Fixed an issue with the Mirage’s Prism visuals persisting in the game world if the ability was casted repeatedly (spammed).

Fixed an issue with Friendly NPCs, including Kubrows, being affected by the Sleight of Hand blind effect.

Fixed issue where the Dual Cestra project can be started before you ever start the Fieldron research. Every other item in the energy lab has prior requirements except for Dual Cestras.

Fixed an issue with the HUD becoming unresponsive when joining Interception missions.

Fixed a progression stopper in the Europa Region resulting from a Conclave node being located between two PVE nodes.

Fixed some awkward wording in a string about the Sunika Kubrow.

Fixed a common Furax stance card appears in the combos list for Valkyr while Hysteria is active.

Fixed the Rai-jin and Do-jin having identical descriptions.

Fixed an issue with Search and Join options overlapping if the Accept button is hit repeatedly while searching for a match.

Fixed the Carrier sentinel being seemingly 1 hit killed by enemy Kubrows and Volatile Infested.

Partially fixed random disconnects at end of mission, efforts ongoing!

Fixed issue where players can join or be invited to a Solo Lobby if a player enters and exits a mission and then sets their Matchmaking to Solo.

Fixed issue where the Accept/Decline Invite panel overlapped other screens, even when it’s supposed to be invisible.

Fixed several localization issues.

Fixed being unable to create a squad outside of the navigation chart.

Fixed water in the Forest Extraction tile being misaligned.

Fixed Clients getting stuck when trying to get back to the main menu from a session.

Fixed players being sent into the Harvester mission as Excalibur with default weapons.

Fixed several Corpus Crewmen not having ability reaction anims (e.g. levitate for Bastille).

Fixed alarm panels not resetting alarm sound and effects triggered by gamemode events.

Fixed multi-sized elements in the Store having buttons that don't cover the elements entire height.

Fixed Valkyr’s Hysteria not functioning properly if a player picked up a data mass while Hysteria is active.

Fixed weapon charge amount not resetting when the weapon is ready to refire/charge.

Fixed missing VO lines in the Rescue Darvo Tutorial Mission.

Fixed being unable to close the Booster Pack popup on ‘how many days’ you wanted your Booster for.

Fixed issue with missing Rare 10 cores seen here: [link] On login, your 'broken' cores will be converted to a proper functioning core that will stack.

Fixed Sentinels being un-colourable and the 'Default' option not functioning.

Van benne pár szó ami nincs magyarul (pl.: Kubrow). Ez a szöveg kis töredéke annak a szövegnek amit nekem kell lefordítanom és bele tellik majd jó pár órába. Arra kérlek benneteket hogy ha van időtök akkor segítsetek. Nagyon fontos lenne.

2014. júl. 26. 10:12
 1/3 anonim ***** válasza:
csak nem lesz ilyen veréb
2014. júl. 26. 11:19
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/3 A kérdező kommentje:
ha mást nem akkor ennek csak egy töredéke is már nagyon sokat segítene
2014. júl. 26. 11:33
 3/3 anonim ***** válasza:
Miért olyan fontos egy patch javítási listáját lefordítani?
2014. júl. 26. 18:38
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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