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Ez mit jelent angolul? (Skype-on kaptam valami ismeretlen külfölditől)

Figyelt kérdés

Attention My Dear,

I contacted you because of your name:

I am a personal attorney to my late client Mr. Aleksander Gyuláné, and since he and his family perished on the plane Crash in France. I have done all my best to contact any of his family members for the past 2 years now. My late client has 7.9 million dollars with a Bank here in London, which no one has come forward to claim till date. I write asking for your indulgence, in re-changing all the necessary documents in your favor, as the next of kin to my late client Mr. Aleksander Gyuláné, hence I solicit your cooperation to work with me in claiming out this funds as a next of kin. The bank will not reject anyone I endorse, and there is no risk for the transfer of this fund to your bank account, after the transfer of this said fund to your bank account, i will come over to your country to meet with you face to face, and I will share 7O/30 between me and you. I need your urgent response as soon as possible, because if there is no one to claim' s out this fund, this year, through the banking law, after 2 years this fund would be deposited with the government treasury bank account, please for your interest in this transaction reply to my private email address.

2014. jún. 7. 12:58
 1/3 anonim ***** válasza:
Torold, es felejtsed el. Nagy kamuzok, akik azzal a sztorival allnak elo, hogy ismertek egy hasonlo nevu embert, aki meghalt repulobalesetben, es 7.9 millio dollart hagytak egy londoni bankszamlan. (londonban nem dollar van, hanem font.) szoval, hogy csak te tudnad azt a penzt megkapni, csak be kellene fizetni egy kisebb osszeget. Magyarul internetes atveres.
2014. jún. 7. 13:03
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/3 anonim válasza:
Átverés ! Én is kaptam hasonlót + annak se higyj aki tud chatelni, ha 100x megírod neki, hogy "age" 100x válaszol ! Utana belinkel vmi vírust...
2014. jún. 7. 13:18
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/3 anonim ***** válasza:

google kereses: nigeriai spam.


2014. jún. 7. 14:20
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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