Melyik a helyes (angol)?
Figyelt kérdés
Esetleg mindkettő?
- ...of each of the persons for whom...
- ...of each person for which...
2021. ápr. 2. 11:12
1/5 A kérdező kommentje:
the name of each person for which this service is needed
the name of each of the persons for whom this service is needed
2021. ápr. 2. 11:18
2/5 Mansour 


A második a jó, illetve a példáidból az első. A "whom" viszont jobban illik ide, mint a "which".
3/5 A kérdező kommentje:
2021. ápr. 2. 13:04
4/5 anonim 


The name of each person for whom this service is needed.
5/5 anonim 


Miért ne lenne használatos az of each of the szerkezet?
The cost of each of the dear departed and the profit or loss activated by any sale is taken into consideration.
A spokesman said that each decision was taken separately after a periodic review of each of the men 's security status.
But the occasion was dominated by ceremony as flags of each of the new members were raised and their national anthems played.
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