Tudnátok mondani ezekhez hasonló angol kifejezéseket, esetleg tanácsot adni?
Olyan kifejezéseket keresek amikkel könnyen tudok mondatokat összekötni, összetett egybefüggő mondatokat. Pl: it follows that, accordingly, in order to achive it.
Ilyen általános passzív kifejezésekre is nagyon vevő vagyok.
Továbbá levélíráshoz valami tanács, hogy következetes egybefüggő mondatokat alkossak, illetve amire érdemes figyelni?
Iskolában nem tanultam angolt, jelenleg egyedül tanulom, most a levélírásra mennék rá, aminél az lenne a cél, hogy minélinkább kerüljem az alanyokat a mondatokba, úgymond távolságtartó legyen a levél.
as a matter of fact- voltaképpen/ami az illeti.
And so on- és így tovább
if i were you...- helyedben
As a result
In regard to this/With regard to/Regarding ...
Considering ....
Because (of), since, therefore
furthermore, moreover, additionally
it's worth noting
talent spotter
payments were stellar
matter of routine
strain of credulity
be on a par with sg
looking back today over a span of 40 years
just short of incredible
in retrospect
in ascending order
have all eggs in one basket
be more than adequatly prepared
in effect
a stamement that remains true to this day
none the less
cease to be a factor of a consequence
to a limited extent
give rise to concern
they all belonged to the group of thought that
bad news for a fiver
as he might have assumed
five o'clock shadow
there's a first time for everything
struggle to his feet
be a thorn in sy's flesh
a pain in the neck
regain his presence of mind
who answered the name of A
anything to declare?
dead heat
armed to the teeth
kill the light
acid test
keep at bay
it's on the tip of the tongue to say
the butcher the baker and the candlestick-maker
flit hither, thither and yon
be in cahoots with sy
devil take the hindmost
mark my words
God rest his soul
synchronise the watches
fall over himself to
that's neither here, nor there
thrust hands into pocket
run with the hares and hunt with the hounds
out of place
feel uneasy about sg
fit the description
poke one's nose into sg
by no means
I don't give a damn
man of substance
cherish the hope that
I would fain do it
be in a mood for/to
take account in sg
do on allegations of
to wit
in the wake of
take advantage of sy
plotted against sg
be obliged to do
rag-and-bone man
on the brink of sg
graven image
rather well known in historical circle
have it only from hearsay
I don't set sy up to be sg
what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
the coast is clear
you made your bed, better lie in it
the ins and outs of sg
take sg for granted
I think a great deal of you
the small hours
force of habit
for the sake of appereances
one way or another
Mother Fist & her five daughters
roughly correspond to sg
give my love to
on reflection
light hearted
stark naked
apart from these
somehow or other
I lay you five to one
listened in rapt fascination
the tail of my eye
he was the weak link in the set-up
two weeks come Friday
face value
I wouldn't do it for love or money
save the bacon
will be manifest to the reader
bearing on sg
there's a story afloat
stripped to the waist
cut the matter short
from the mouth of the former
if I might venture a remark
all in all
beyond the pale
within a stone's throw
I gather/understand
permit me to convey his sincere regrets about your tragedy
I will be honoured to accept it
sleep the sleep of just
on a small scale
I do not subscribe to it
be/look/feel washed out
scared stiff
exception to the rule
not bat ,an eyelid
with bated breath
save for
in a figurative sense
in no uncertain terms
to boot
as things went then
on/to the verge of sg
ever and anon
there is another matter rumbling around the corridor
you must be joking
yield up the ghosts
be in a better frame of mind
have outsiders put their oar in
be mind to do
give it or take it
taker it or leave it
on grounds of
pass the quality threshold
he is shaking in his boots
take the floor
(hold the floor; give floor; turn floor)
on the dot of three
sting in the tail
defeat on his home course
looking as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth
off the top of his head
under his breath
steal the winds from his sails
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