A global outrics (áutrics) vagy hogy mondják/írják programnak mennyi a költsége?

Magabiztos angoltudás kell már pusztán a jelentkezéshez, de aztán az iskolát is el kell végeznie kint angolul. Azt tudjátok, hogy ez egy vallásos program katolikusoknak?
"1. Global Outreach Program Fee: $4300.00USD
• This fee helps cover program expenses as well as partial expenses for your participation in the 2025 GO Summer Camp in Czech Republic. You are responsible for any transportation costs associated with getting to Summer Camp
2. 2024 Summer Camp in Poland: Fee is determined closer to date. In prior years it has been approximately $220.00USD
• This is an out-of-pocket expense; you are also responsible for transportation costs for getting to Summer Camp
3. Wire Transfer Fee: Approximately $10.00 - $60.00USD. Some banks charge when sending money to pay the GO Program Fee
• Payment of this fee at the time of the wire transfer and/or reimbursement to the GO Program is required.
4. Passport: Check with your issuing agency for current fee
• Must be valid for at least six (6) months beyond the June 15, 2025 departure from the U.S.
5. Student Exchange and Visitor Information System (SEVIS) Fee: $350.00
• Paid online AFTER you receive your Form I-20 from your school which allows you to apply for your F1 Student Visa
6. F1 Student Visa Application Fee: $160.00USD (and any applicable Issuance Fees)
7. International travel, medical and accident insurance: $750.00USD – 1000.00USD (approximate)
• You are responsible to obtain PRIOR to travel and arrival in the U.S.
8. Round-Trip Airline Tickets: $1000.00USD - $1500.00USD (approximate)
• You are responsible for the purchase of round-trip airline tickets AFTER you have received your F1 Student Visa
9. Personal spending money in the U.S.: Approximately $200.00USD per month during your exchange year
• We strongly recommend you have a debit card and some cash for personal expenses
4300 dollár + 220 dollár + utazás Lengyelországba + 10-60 dollár + 350 dollár + 160 dollár + 1000-1500 dollár + havi 200 dollár.
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