Angolul leírná ezt valaki? "El kezdhetném a megfelelő szavakat keresni, de túl sok időt venne igénybe. " (stb. )
1.El kezdhetném a megfelelő szavakat keresni, de túl sok időt venne igénybe.
2.El kezdhetném sorolni, ha lenne rá idő.
3.El kezdeném sorolni, de sajnos nincs rá idő.
4.El kezdhetnéd sorolni, mert érdekel, de sajnos nincsen rá idő.
5.El kezdhetnéd sorolni, mert amúgy érdekel, de nincsen rá időnk sajnos.
6.Ha érdekelne engem, el kezdhetnéd sorolni.
7.Ha az ajtó kék lenne, nem akarnám lefesteni.
8.Ha a süteményei finomak lennének, már nem lennének. :)
9.Ha a süteményei finomak lennének, már rég megettem volna az összeset.
10.Ha a süteményei finomak lennének, megenném az összeset.
11.Nem házi nyelvvizsgára készülök, és néhány szerkezetet szeretnék minél pontosabban átlátni; ezeket a mondatokat most dobtam össze.
12.Előre is köszönöm. (Ezutóbbiak fordítása is érdekelne:))
1.) I could start looking for the correct words, but it would be too much time.
2.) I could start telling it, if would be time for it.
3.)I would start telling, but unfortunately no have time for that.
4.)You could start to tell it because i'm interested in, but unfortunately no have time for it.
5.)You could start to tell it because i'm interested in, but unfortunately no have time for it.
6.)If i would be interested in, you could start to tell them.
7.)If the door would be blue, i would not want to paint it.
8.)If the cakes would be tasty, would not be more of them.
9.If the cakes would be tasty, I would have eaten all of them.
10.)If the cakes would be tasty, i would eat all of them.
1.) I could start looking for the correct words, but it would take too much time.
2.) I could start listing them if there was enough time.
3.)I would start listing them but unfortunately there is not enough time for it.
4.)You could start Listing them because i'm interested but unfortunately there is no time for it.
5.)You could start listing them because I’m rather interested but unfortunately we don’t have enough time.
6.)If I was interested, you could start listing them.
7.)If the door was blue, i would not want to paint it.
8.)If his/her cakes were tasty, there wouldn’t be any left.
9.If the cakes were tasty, I would have eaten them all a long time ago.
10.)If his/her cakes were tasty, i would est them all.
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