Mikor kell használni WOULD-ot Simple Past helyet?
They wouldn't let me take pictures of them.
We would listen to his stories for long hours.

We use would to refer to typical habitual actions and events in the past. It often occurs in stories (narratives):
1. - szoktunk, szokott
I had a friend from Albany, which is about 36 miles away, and we would meet every Thursday morning and she would help us.
2. - majd elmosogatott, pirítóst evett, olvasott (egyszeri cselekvés) - NARRATÍV PAST
Then he would wash; then he would eat his toast; then he would read his paper by the bright burning fire of electric coals.
She would walk on the beach barefoot.
- Ez 1-est is jelentheti hogy szokott, VAGY simán narratíva, elmesélés
3. - nem akarta, nem akaródzott neki - REFUSE
They wouldn't let me take pictures of them.
She wouldn't walk on the beach barefoot anymore.

She wouldn't sign the contract before.... seeing it / she had seen it. (She had to see it first)
They wouldn't go unless....she came with them / they had seen it was safe.
She didn't use the door, instead she climb in the window.
As the reached the peak they would start dancing.

She didn't use the door, instead she WOULD climb in the window.

1 szokásos ismétlődő cselekvés időnként nosztalgiával
2 cselekedetek felsorolása
3 hosszú ideig tartó cselekvés
4 visszautasít, nem akaródzik neki, nem volt szándékában
5 szándékában áll, elkezd valamit, úgy dönt hogy
Most nem írtam példamondatokat de aki akar az akár ide is beírhatja őket. Mert tanulnánk belőle :)
Most találkoztam egy mondattal:
"As a child we would have several cats and dogs in the house."
Úgy látom ez az 1-es eset vagyis a nosztalgia.
- Elég gyakori ez a would a múltban.

Más. Szándékában áll és nem áll szándékában.
Sue decided that she would start collecting jewelry.
They told the ward they wouldn't mind a few drops.
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