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ANGOL SZOVEG (3-5 mondat) - átnézne nekem valaki, hogy van e benne hiba?

Figyelt kérdés
The aim of the diploma thesis was to create a prototype of a mobile device consisting of Raspberry PI, gyroscope, accelerometer, thermometer, magnetometer, barometer and GPS receiver. In the thesis, general information about Raspberry PI 3 and the possibilities of its use were described. The principle of how each MEMS sensor works and the way Raspberry PI can communicate with the devices is described. The designed prototype was able to access all integrated sensors and display their output data as a graph. The accelerometer output data was used to detect the steps. The prototype placed during walking on the foot slide during step detection reached 98.82% accuracy. The work was devoted to documenting software and designing ways in which we can extend functionality to the future.

2017. máj. 9. 12:24
 1/2 anonim ***** válasza:
Kifejezett hibát én nem látok. Talán a végén "designing ways to extend functionality for the future." Még azt lehetne, hogy a 2. és 3. mondatot valahogy összekötni, hogy ne legyen "describes" végű mondatismétlés. "In the thesis, general information about Raspberry PI 3 and the possibilities of its use as well as the principle of how each MEMS sensor works and the way Raspberry PI can communicate with the devices are described." vagy valami ilyesmi. Az utolsó előtti mondat kicsit fura, de mivel nem értem kristály tisztán miről van szó (mármint technikailag), nem tudnám javítani.
2017. máj. 9. 13:29
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 A kérdező kommentje:

Koszi, vegul valaki segitett es erre jutottunk:

The aim of the thesis was to create a prototype of a mobile device consisting of Raspberry PI, gyroscope, accelerometer, thermometer, magnetometer, barometer and GPS receiver. In the thesis, general information about Raspberry PI 3 and the possibilities of its use were described. The principle of how each MEMS sensor works and the way Raspberry PI can communicate with the devices were described. The designed prototype was able to access all integrated sensors and display their output data as a graph. The accelerometer output data was used to detect the steps. The prototype placed on the dorsal surface of the foot during walking reached 98.82% accuracy in regard to step detection . The work was intended to document the software and design ways in which we can extend functionality in the future.

2017. máj. 9. 15:27

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