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Ebben a mondatban mit jelent a "be up to"?

Figyelt kérdés

My firm employs highly

educated and trained people, but it’s up to people to sort out their own education, not for people

like me to pay for it from our taxes.

Én úgy tudtam, hogy ez a szerkezet azt jelenti, hogy csinálni vmit, de nem igazán értem, hogy itt hogy kellene értenem.

2017. febr. 13. 14:50
 1/4 anonim ***** válasza:

John - Hey, guys what are you up to? Are we going to get laid tonight? (mit terveztek/mit csináltok?)

Jack - What do you think Dave?

Dave - I've told you, I'm ready for those chicks anytime. It's up to you to decide. (Tőled függ/rajtad múlik, mit döntesz)

Jack - Alright John, but this time you have to take one for the team.

2017. febr. 13. 15:19
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/4 A kérdező kommentje:
Ezzel gondolom azt akartad írni, hogy vkitől függ jelentése is van.
2017. febr. 13. 15:24
 3/4 anonim ***** válasza:

Netes szótár:

The responsibility or choice of (someone):

‘it was up to them to gauge the problem’

More example sentences

‘The choice of grid is up to the artist, as is the color of each of the grid's cells.’

‘It is really up to the dealer to reach these new markets at the local level with a positive message.’

‘These are schoolboy errors and it is up to the players to stop making them.’

‘What you want to do with your weekend is up to you.’

‘In Civilization, for example, you set yourself goals, but the way you achieve them is up to you.’

‘But is it the government's duty, or is it up to individuals to take responsibility for their eating?’

‘No one is forcing them to make a difference here, it is really up to individual choice.’

‘What has happened has happened and it is up to the guys to get this tour back on track.’

‘What you guys do with that information is up to you.’

‘The amount is up to the university and could vary depending on subject.’

2017. febr. 13. 15:58
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/4 anonim ***** válasza:

#1 vagyok,

"...vkitől függ jelentése is van" Így van.

2017. febr. 13. 16:25
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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