Aki jól tud angolul segítene néhány mondatot lefordítani?
Budapestet a Duna választja szét(ketté). Régen külön volt Buda és Pest 1873-ban egyesult. Magyarország legnagyobb városa.
Nagyon sok látnivaló található itt pl.: Hősök tere, Halászbástya. De sok turista a gyógyfürdők miatt látogat ide. Sokan nevezik Európai legszebb fővárosának.
Közlekedésben a közlekedési dugók okoznak problémát. Nekem a sok szép látnivaló miatt tetszik.

Budapest is bisected by the River Danube.
Previously, Buda and Pest were two separate cities. They united in 1873.
It is Hungary's largest city.
Many things to see can be found here. For example, Heroes' Square, Fishermen's Bastion, but many tourists come to visit for the healing thermal baths. A lot of people call Budapest Europe's most beautiful city.
In transport, the traffic jams cause problems. I like Budapest for it's magnificent sites.

Meg egy javitas.
In transport helyett:
During/while travelling/getting around the city, traffic jams can/may cause some problems/delays.

Budapest is divided by the Danube River. Buda and Pest used to be two separate cities. They merged in 1873. Budapest is the biggest city of Hungary.
You can visit a lot of places here. vagy There are many things to see here. For example: Hosok tere (Heroes` square), Halaszbastya (Fishermen’s Bastion). Many tourists come here to enjoy the thermal baths however. Budapest is called Europe`s most beautiful/nicest capital (by many).
Traffic jams/congestions cause some problems in transport. I like Budapest because of its beautiful sights/places/attractions.
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