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Azrael666 kérdése:

Kijavítanátok nekem ezt a levelet?

Figyelt kérdés

Nyelvvizsgára készülök.

Tegnap vettem egy mobilt, de problémák vannak vele: nem jó a beépített kamera, nem jó a menu(nem jelenik meg) és gondok vannak a telefon számok mentésével is

Allen Wallker

50 Petőfi Street

0000 Budapest


8 August, 2016



45 Morgen Street

71404 Atlanta

Ref: letter of complain

Dear Manager,

My name is Allen and my phone’s name is Samsung Galaxy 6S and I’ve bought it yesterday.

Well the phone’s design is wonderful but i’ve got some problem with the service of the phone.

Although I think this is an „Ultra-Modern” Phone, there are lot of bad things what I don’t understand.

These are them:

- The camera of the phone isn’t working, I’ve tried ten or more time but it doesn’t works.

- The menu isn’t available for me, if I want to play anything the menu is invisible and I can’t do with this anything.

- I think what gives the „Ultra-Modern” name is that: When I want to record somebody’s phone number, the phone forgive that.

Well, I think I’ve told all problem of this phone and I thought you should know about.

My son is now 18 years old, and I’ve bought this phone for his birthday so it caused me lot of disapointment.

I think we should get restitution, I hope this won’t cause nuisance for you.

I look forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully

Allen W

2016. aug. 8. 19:41
1 2
 11/16 anonim ***** válasza:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you in relation to the smart phone purchased in your show room yesterday. Unfortunately, the phone has a number of issues. I would like to inquire hereby about possible resolutions.

First, the camera does not work at all. I could not manage to get to see anything except for a pitch-black screen. In order to remedy this, I tried to clean its surface and checked whether it was covered with splosh, or something. All in vain.

I must also point out my disappointment about the menu list. I thumb the appropriate button but it does not seem to be working. I could not decide either whether this was actually faulty or the button itself was stuck somehow.

Last, I bumped into problems while saving numbers in the directory. The numbers and the names are added but after storage they could not be recollected from the big data. Therefore, every single time when I wanted to initiate a call, I had to touch-type the number.

Considering all of the above, I presume I am warranted to receive a complete reimbursement or a replacement of the phone.

Yours faithfully,

Isaura W.S.

2016. aug. 8. 23:37
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 12/16 anonim ***** válasza:

I'm looking forward informális, az I look forward pedig formális.

Mindkettő formális.

2016. aug. 8. 23:47
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 13/16 anonim ***** válasza:
Nem. De ha idelinkelsz valami bizonyítékot, akkor majd elhiszem.
2016. aug. 9. 00:16
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 14/16 anonim ***** válasza:

Hallgassunk ,tanuljunk #6-tol.

Tomor,helyes valaszt adopt, jo tanacsokkal.



*ha te probalod doktoralni az arut, nincs garancia.

*"I thumb the button" ne hulyeskedj, egy hivatalos panaszlevelben?

* "Bumped into problems" talan egy utcasarkon

*touch type helyett mmanually type in

2016. aug. 9. 02:24
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 15/16 anonim ***** válasza:

Amugy a helyes nev

Alan Walker

2016. aug. 9. 02:26
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 16/16 anonim ***** válasza:

No de meg igy is hianyos.

Teljes cim, feladonak es cimzettnek.

Pontos datuma es hol volt a vetel. yesterday nem eleg ,foleg ha majd jovo heten lesz a level elolvasva.

teljes model, nev es szam, szamla/invoice number. Nincs magyarazkodas, javitas , garanciara es stb hivatkozas. Csak tegnap vetted, egy citrom, egy ujat akarsz, replacement of device .

2016. aug. 9. 06:38
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
1 2

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