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Két angol mondat. Hogyan helyes?

Figyelt kérdés

1,If I won/win the lottery, I might buy a new house.

2,I would rather we go/went home.

2016. júl. 27. 10:14
 1/5 anonim ***** válasza:

2. A would rathernél elválik kétfelé:

Ha én preferálok valamit, akkor to nélküli infinitív van > I would rather go home.

Ha másnak a cselekvésében preferálnék valamit, akkor alakilag múlt idő áll > I would rather he went home.

Ezen második eset látható néha jelen idővel vagy jelen idejű kötőmóddal is, de ne azt tekintsük követendő példának.

2016. júl. 27. 10:55
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/5 anonim ***** válasza:


If I won/win the lottery, I might buy a new house.

Mindkettőre rengeteg példa van. Tehát mindkettő helyes.

a) Az ige múltban van:

If it weren't for high-dose opioids I might not be here now.

If you asked me again in a few minutes, I might tell you a different story.

b) Az ige jelenben van:

If such a role comes my way, I might play it.

If Mahrez is not in the Leicester squad later then I might start to believe he could join us


I would rather we go/went home

Itt is mindkettőre rengeteg példa van. De talán a múltban kicsit gyakoribb. De mindkettő helyes.

a) Az ige múltban van:

I would rather we looked at the measures

I would rather we dropped all equality quotas.

I would rather we were 9th in onedayers

I would rather we looked at measures to stop attacks happening in the first place.

I would rather we were poor than he took the risks,

I would rather we neutered and spayed to within an inch of our lives

I would rather we played Canada.

I would rather we got back to simply living the faith

I would rather we were doing this via messenger

I would rather we had communities that were rather more united

I would rather we suffer a few years

I would rather we did not face some of the challenges that we do today

I would rather we didn't serve it for a fortnight.

I would rather we were tankering out products that can't destroy it.?

I would rather we lost the entire contents of every art gallery in the whole world

I would rather we made our own laws in our own way

I would rather we had crowds similar to what we experienced at the FNB

I would rather we pursued friendlies with Cameroun

I would rather we remained a Christian country

b) Az ige jelenben van:

I would rather we do something else

I would rather we redefine Nigeria than sit by silently

I would rather we allow the market forces to determine the gradual rise

I would rather we repeat 30 times until we get it right

I would rather we have another governor

I would rather we have four more years of a reformed PDP

I would rather we do it in Australia safely and efficiently

I would rather we have the listing than not

I would rather we save money another way

I would rather we teach our children that public policy is made using rationality

I would rather we have them use large pens

2016. júl. 27. 11:06
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/5 A kérdező kommentje:
Köszik! Akkor nem véletlen,hogy mindkettővel találkoztam,de akkor vizsgán a 2.-nál jobb,ha múlt igeidőt használok.
2016. júl. 27. 11:16
 4/5 anonim ***** válasza:

1. Csak árnyalatnyi különbség van:

If I won the lottery, I might buy a new house.

Ha estleg nyernék a lottón...

If I win the lottery, I might buy a new house.

Ha nyerek a lottón...

2. Ha a fő ige (itt a go) valami kezdetre vonatkozik, akkor Sima Jelen preferált. Ha pedig állapotot jelöl, akkor gyakoribb a Múlt.

I would rather we go home.

Vagyis, We should go home. Inkább menjünk haza.

I would rather we went home.

De a go valamennyire állapotnak is felfogható.

We were at home. Inkább otthon lennénk.

De ilyen is van:

I would rather we start.

Bárcsak elkezdenénk már.

I would rather we started.

Bárcsak elkezdtük volna már.

2016. júl. 27. 11:23
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 5/5 anonim ***** válasza:

Ha azt akarod hangsúlyozni, hogy menjünk mrá, akkor go.

Ha viszont azt, hogy legyünk már otthon, akkor went.

2016. júl. 27. 11:27
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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