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1 éve érettségiztem angolul azóta nagyon sokat felejtettem. Miket nézzek át hogy újra menjen?

Figyelt kérdés


12 igeidő szőröstül-bőröstül. :) tehát passzív+aktív

- Causatuve (Műveltetés)

- Conditionals (Feltételes)

- Auxiliaries (Segédigék)

- Non-finite forms (Igeneves szerkezetek)

- REported Speech (Függőbeszéd)

- Igeidőegyeztetés

- Question tags ("Ugye kérdés")

- Megszámlálhatóság

- Névmások

- Melléknév fokozás

- Phrasel Verbs + Prepozíciók

Mit hagytam ki?


BBC NEWS hírek olvasása


angol rádió, angol feliratos filmek

2016. febr. 15. 18:30
 1/1 anonim ***** válasza:

A vs. An

A(An) vs. The

Active Verb Forms


Adjective + Preposition Combinations Followed by Gerunds



Articles (A, An, The)

Be + Adjective Combinations Followed by Infinitives


Causative Verbs

Conditional Verb Forms

Present Real Conditional (a.k.a. Zero Conditional, Conditional 0)

Present Unreal Conditional (a.k.a. Second Conditional, Conditional 2)

Past Real Conditional

Past Unreal Conditional (a.k.a. Third Conditional, Conditional 3)

Future Real Conditional (a.k.a. First Conditional, Conditional 1)

Future Unreal Conditional

Continuous Conditionals

Mixed Conditionals

Were To

Consonant definition

Continuous Conditionals

Continuous Verbs


Countable Nouns (a.k.a Count Nouns)



Expressions followed by VERB+ing

Future Continuous (a.k.a. Future Progressive)

Future in the Past

Future Perfect

Future Perfect Continuous (a.k.a. Future Perfect Progressive)

Future Real Conditional

Future Unreal Conditional

Gerunds and Infinitives

Verbs followed by gerunds

Verbs followed by infinitives

Verbs followed by nouns + infinitives

Verbs Followed by either gerunds OR nouns + infinitives

Verbs Followed by Gerunds OR Infinitives (Different Meaning)

Verbs Followed by Gerunds OR Infinitives (Similar Meaning)

Adjective + Preposition Combinations Followed by Gerunds

Be + Adjective Combinations Followed by Infinitives

Expressions followed by VERB+ing

Go + Gerunds

Location Verbs Followed by VERB+ing

Nouns Followed by Infinitives

Noun + Preposition Combinations Followed by Gerunds

Get (Causative Verbs)

Get + Prepositions (Also see Phrasal Verb Dictionary)

Go + Gerunds

Had Better

Have (Causative Verbs)

Have to

Have Got to

Infinitives (See Gerunds and Infinitives)

Irregular Verbs Dictionary (370 common verbs)

Irregular Verbs Extended Dictionary including rare verbs

Let (Causative Verbs)

Linking Verbs

Location Verbs followed by VERB+ing

Make (Causative Verbs)



Mixed Conditionals

Modal Verbs



Had Better

Have to

Have Got to



Modal Verb Forms


Ought to



Modal Verb Forms

Mixed Verbs (Continuous and Non-Continuous Uses)


Non-Continuous Verbs

Non-count Nouns (a.k.a Uncountable Nouns)

Nouns Followed by Infinitives

Noun + Preposition Combinations Followed by Gerunds

Ought to

Passive Verb Forms

Past Continuous (a.k.a. Past Progressive)

Past Perfect

Past Perfect Continuous (a.k.a. Past Perfect Progressive)

Past Real Conditional

Past Unreal Conditional

Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verb Dictionary


Present Continuous (a.k.a. Present Progressive)

Present Perfect

Present Perfect Continuous (a.k.a. Present Perfect Progressive)

Present Real Conditional (a.k.a. Zero Conditional, Conditional 0)

Present Unreal Conditional (a.k.a. Second Conditional)

Second Conditional (a.k.a. Present Unreal Conditional)



Simple Future

Simple Past

Simple Present


Subjunctive (a.k.a. Subjunctive Mood)


The vs. A(An)


Uncountable Nouns

Used to

Verb + Preposition Dictionary

Verbs followed by gerunds

Verbs followed by infinitives

Verbs followed by nouns + infinitives

Verbs Followed by either gerunds OR nouns + infinitives

Verbs Followed by Gerunds OR Infinitives (Different Meaning)

Verbs Followed by Gerunds OR Infinitives (Similar Meaning)

Verb Tenses

Future Continuous (a.k.a. Future Progressive)

Future in the Past

Future Perfect

Future Perfect Continuous (a.k.a. Future Perfect Progressive)

Past Continuous (a.k.a. Past Progressive)

Past Perfect

Past Perfect Continuous (a.k.a. Past Perfect Progressive)

Present Continuous (a.k.a. Present Progressive)

Present Perfect

Present Perfect Continuous (a.k.a. Present Perfect Progressive)

Simple Future

Simple Past

Simple Present

Used to

Would Always

Vowel definition

Were To

Who / Whom / Whose



Would Always

Zero Conditional (a.k.a. Present Real Conditional)

2016. febr. 17. 13:07
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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