Angolosok! Átnézne valaki egy rövid fogalmazást?
Benefits of pets
Nowadays, a great deal of people own one or two pets. These pets can be lttle or big, thin or thick, with legs or without legs etc.
there are a lot of benefits of having pets around us. One of these benefist is that they can be our friends, our companions. We may tell them our secrets, our problems or everything what we want, because they will listen us and they will not tell these things to nobody(it's 100%:) .
Another gorgeus benefit is that they love us unconditionally. Of course, we have to spend time, to play with them, but we don't have to buy expensive gifts for them to love us.
If they are stong, big, and a liitle bit wild, they can protect us and our property. That's great, because if a thief wants to steal something form our house, the pets will scare him.
The pets alca can provide entertainment. When we run, we can bring them with ourselves. And this is a really funny thing. :) Or if we train them, not just the pets, but also we can enjoy.
The pets can teach children to be responsible. If little children own pets, they needs to feed them, to play with them, to bathe them, to clean up after them. Thanks to these necessities the children will learn what means looking after something/somebody.
In conclusion, I recommend keepnig pets for everyone, because they do good with our souls.

There are nagy betű, listen TO us (ezt sose felejtsd ki),
will not tell these things to ANYbody (nincs kettős tagadás), gorgeOus benefit furcsa szókapcsolat, maradjon inkább great, spend time playing with them, ... for them to MAKE THEM love us, mivel az ajándékvásárlásnak te vagy az alanya, a szeretetnek meg ők, különböző alanyoknál nem rövidíthetsz főnévi igenévvel.
That is great: ha ez egy esszé, nincs összevonás.
Pets (nem kell névelő, általános kijelentés), az alca gondolom also akar lenni, ez esetben pets can also ..., bring helyett take, nem hozni, hanem vinni.
Az or-os mondatod Hunglish. Or training them will make both the pets and their owner happy.
Pets megint nincs névelő. The akkor kell, ha konkrét dologról beszélsz.
they need ugyebár!
children will learn (ide se kell névelő) what looking after something or somebody means: alany-állítmány a kijelentő szórend, nem állítmány-alany.
recommend TO everyone.
Egyébként elég jó, csak egy-két dologra kell odafigyelned.

Benefits of pets
The Benefits of Pets
These pets can be lttle or big, thin or thick, with legs or without legs etc.
These pets can be little or big, thin or thick, with legs or without legs.
there are a lot of benefits of having pets around us.
One of these benefist is that they can be our friends, our companions.
One of these benefits....
We may tell them our secrets, our problems or everything we what want, because they will listen us and they will not tell these things to nobody(it's 100%:) .
We may tell them our secrets, our problems or everything we want, because they will listen to us and they will not tell these things to nobody else, 100 pc.
Another gorgeus benefit is that they love us unconditionally.
Another gorgeous benefit is....
If they are stong, big, and a liitle bit wild, they can protect us and our property.
If they are strong, big and a little bit wild they can protect us and our property.
That's great, because if a thief wants to steal something form our house, the pets will scare him.
That's great because if a thief wants to steal something form our house the pets will scare him away.
The pets alca can provide entertainment.
Pets can also provide entertainment.
When we run, we can bring them with ourselves.
When we go for a run, we can bring them with ourselves.
Or if we train them, not just the pets, but also we can enjoy.
Or if we train them, not just the pets, but also we can enjoy it a lot.
If little children own pets, they needs to feed them, to play with them, to bathe them, to clean up after them.
If little children own pets, they need to feed them, to play with them, to bathe them and to clean up after them.
Thanks to these necessities the children will learn what means looking after something/somebody.
Due to these necessities children will learn what it means to look after something or somebody.
In conclusion, I recommend keepnig pets for everyone, because they do good with our souls.
In conclusion, I recommend everyone to keep pets, because they do good to our souls.

Na úgy látom, a 4-es számú javításban csak bennemaradt az általam már kijavított kettős tagadás, továbbá egy helyes if-es mondat helytelenre "javítása": ha az if a mondat elején van, oda bizony kell vessző!
A train-es mondat pedig így se lett jobb.
Egyedül a do good to, amit én kihagytam. (Furán is hangzott, csak nem azonosítottam be, hogy mitől.)
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