Segítség! Itt mi az a szó?
The letters of a word are mixed in the yellow boxes. What is this word? ...
Segítségeteket előre is nagyon köszönöm :)

HISTORY OF HALLOWEEN – Fill in the gaps and write the words into the crossword.
Originally Halloween was a ... festival. Like most of them, it was absorbed into the festivals of the expanding Christian church long ago and became associated with All ... Day.
The ... of Halloween survived most strongly in Ireland. It was the end-of-summer festival and was often celebrated in each community with a bonfire to keep away evil ... . ... used to go from door to door dressed as creatures from the underworld to collect treats, mainly fruit, nuts and the like for the festivities. These were used for playing traditional games like looking for apples and other gifts in a bowl of water, without using your hands. Carving faces into ... to hold candles became a popular part of the festival which has been adapted by the Americans.
The letters of a word are mixed in the yellow boxes. What is this word? ...
How many consonants and vowels are there in this word?

1. pagAn
2. hallowS
3. celebratIon
4. spiriTs
5. childreN
6. pumpkinS
A nagybetűk vannak a sárga dobozokban. A szó minden bizonnyal "saints". A consonant mássalhangzót, a vowel magánhangzót jelent, tehát 4 consonant és 2 vowel.
lehet, hogy nem ugyanaz a kérdező, és akkor bocs... és tudom, millió piros kéz, de... (OK, a négyest nagyon elszúrtam így majd' éjfél körül, nem találva a negyedik likat, és a pumpkint nem kiszámolva...:(
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