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Mit jelentenek ezek az angol mondatok?

Figyelt kérdés
Coverage of many Hungarian architectural locations is outstanding. Zsigmond’s surprising decision to use lots of filters in his lensing produces a muted, deflating effect, however, that works against the opera’s emotional heat. Conductor Tamas Pal leads an energetic, enthralling Hungarian Orchestra of the Millennium.

2015. ápr. 25. 10:59
 1/1 A kérdező kommentje:

Meg ezt is,ha lehetne XD

Blatantly uneven pre-recording of voices mars all perfs. The artificial effect unfortunately distances auds from the work’s emotional strengths, further compounded by Kael’s direction, which is far better in the lengthy duo scenes than in the hackneyed group passages.

2015. ápr. 25. 11:13

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